Active Users:616 Time:09/03/2025 02:16:37 PM
Gabrelle? Or Toviene? I'm not sure either actually LOVES him. - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 21/09/2009 03:07:35 PM

The sad thing is the first chapter isn't even all that long, and about half of it is devoted to what the wind is doing and where it's going. It's great Sanderson continued the leitmotif, but this isn't what I've been awaiting two years. ;) At this point I have to confess I've got a keen interest in seeing if my theory pans out (and incidentally, thoughts on that? Can you see Logain as Amyrlin of a reunified Tower?)

The wind is very important though (what about a spin-off series, The Wind of Time?)
Logain as leader of male and female AS? Kinda makes sense. But RJ seemed really willing to have a strong parity male-female so what about a pair of male and female AS as co-Amyrlin? Logain and what's-her-name the AS he Bonded and who loves him?

One of them just thinks she has a sexual lever on him (Gabrelle) while Tovienes feelings are a bit more complicated. But... I dunno, on the one hand Co-Amyrlins might work, but on the other hand there's a lot to be said for having a single ultimate authority to whom ALL channelers, at least sanctioned ones, are responsible, even if that position can be filled by either gender. Did you read my theory? *whines* I'm thinking in those terms, an Aes Sedai organization hearkening back to the AoL, where they can do amazing things again now that they can link with each other and use BOTH halves of the Power (for example, field a united army of perhaps 5,000 at Tarmon Gaidon. )

The main thing is, and this is just my gut, assuming Rand survives I don't see him as the new leader of channelers, but probably going off with his wives to start a family (he may well end burned out, if the end of the Third Age doesn't also end channeling for an age or more. ) And with all the build up for Egwene, her wondering whether she'll be remembered like this Amyrlin or that Amyrlin, I think she'll end remembered as an interim Amyrlin during Tarmon Gaidon before a new and long revered Amyrlin for the ages assumes power. Certainly if she ends up turned and/or killed that's likely, and she herself knows there are reasons to believe either or both might happen.

It's something I should've likely addressed in my theory, but 1) rather than being composed over months with copious citation as I always intended, it was written out in about an hour in MSWord then posted and 2) it's the kind of thing that would come up in these kinds of deeper discussions, and the only response I got was Cannolis demurral (hint, hint. :P )

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