Active Users:356 Time:28/02/2025 10:52:32 PM
Re: I thought Morgase intended to not involve the Whitecloacks at all when she went to Amadicia - Edit 2

Before modification by DomA at 19/05/2011 08:32:07 PM

Besides, even though Niall is known as a politician, not a fanatic, expecting him to help a Tower trained woman in blatant disregard with the Whitecloack scriptures and customs is quite a leap.

Morgase isn't Tower trained as such, but has studied there, like a great many noblewomen (that she has a scrap of the ability isn't widely known outside channelling circles). To blame her for it was convenient when Niall tried to undermine her in EOTW, but she was offering him what he wanted.

To go to Ailron without knowing it would bring Niall into the fray would presupposes Morgase is a complete and utter moron. Even farmers know Ailron is just Niall's puppet (and it's why Elayne could never believe her mother would set a foot in Amadicia). Morgase took any opportunity to vent her temper with Gill and Tallanvor, most often without any just cause. She didn't expect Niall to be so blunt and overbearing as he was. She probably hoped he would let her save face with the pretense of going to Ailron. He saw right through her games and didn't. She was furious of her miscalculation, that's all.

So If Morgase intended to preserve Elayne's claim, getting the Whitecloacks backing was a terrible idea.

She intended to have the Whitecloaks oust Gaebril from Caemlyn. She intended to set to work to undo the rest of her promises right after. She sure didn't think Andor would still be embroiled with them decades later when it was Elayne's turn to take the throne.

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