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Re: Umm...err fionwe1987 Send a noteboard - 17/05/2011 12:07:50 AM

Ok, you really like Eggy, I get that and it's fine.

I also really like Rand. Neither fact is relevant.

I'm a bit ambivalent myself. However you gave me a good chuckle with that statement. Eggy would destroy Rand's credibility? Really? How'd that go for Caddy? Hell, how's that gone for anybody since Rand's epiphany? Rand now has knowledge, insight and intelligence that is far and above Eggy's...she's literally a little-sister in his eyes now, and rightfully so.

Really? You think Rand himself isn't troubled by what he did in the past?
Rand now certainly has more knowledge than Egwene. I don't know about insight and intelligence. Anyway, neither of the three are of much use against the facts of his actions. I'm certain Egwene would never dream of revealing all that he has done to get a political advantage. All I'm saying is that she theoretically can. Sure, people can point out that he has changed now. Egwene herself believes that. That isn't the point.

So when he basically dismissed the entire Hall and refused to follow Eggy's orders earlier, was that because he was afraid she'd destroy his credibility? He didn't think he'd be able to verbally/mentally hold up with her? hehehe

You might want to read that chapter again. He himself stated that his atrocities are so great that he cannot blame the AS for anything, and that he was mistaken to mistrust them. He refuses to bend to them, which is why he told Egwene he would stay for a sister to check if he has succumbed to the madness, but he also realizes they (and Egwene) deserve some respect, which is why he asked permission to withdraw. For her part, Egwene realizes that Rand has done crap in the past but is now changed.

There was a time, and not all that long ago, where she had the upper hand, and any confrontation would likely have ended very badly for one or both sides. But not now.

I don't know if she ever had the upper hand. Against Dark Rand, she certainly had the moral high ground. But I doubt she would have survived if she went up against the kill-happy Rand of tGS.

Just because Eggy wants it doesn't make it the right move.....she is fallible too you know ;)

I fail to see how this addresses my point. Of course she's fallible. But that has no bearing in Rand refusing to discuss things with her. He clearly wanted to rile her up, which is why he made a dramatic statement about planning to break the Seals and then left.
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Dark Rand vs. Taim - a missed opportunity? - 12/05/2011 12:07:40 AM 1372 Views
Dark Rand would approve of what Taim has been doing. - 12/05/2011 03:50:11 AM 753 Views
Re: Dark Rand would approve of what Taim has been doing. - 13/05/2011 12:03:58 AM 621 Views
More urgent would have been Dark Rand+Choedan Kal sorting out Tuon, the WT, ALL living Trollocs... - 12/05/2011 07:58:34 AM 819 Views
So, essentially, Rand should have done the DO's work before destroying him? - 12/05/2011 09:43:44 PM 671 Views
Umm...err - 16/05/2011 10:24:38 PM 678 Views
Re: Umm...err - 17/05/2011 12:07:50 AM 776 Views
What Rand did to clear out the trollocs in TOM was plenty big enough to do what you suggest. - 12/05/2011 05:14:40 PM 715 Views
Unless Taim is not a darkfriend. - 12/05/2011 10:37:48 PM 661 Views
Hasn't it been pretty solidly established that he's a DF? - 13/05/2011 07:21:47 PM 629 Views
true *NM* - 17/05/2011 12:35:02 PM 269 Views

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