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Dark Rand vs. Taim - a missed opportunity? Ashaman_Wannabe Send a noteboard - 12/05/2011 12:07:40 AM
I cannot help but think that Choedan Kal-toting Dark Rand paying a visit to Taim would have been an awesome scene in tGS. It makes sense given Rand's way of dealing with problems in the period between killing Semirhage and his Dragonmount moment, namely - quickly, with brute force and little to no concern for collateral damage or consequences (balefiring Natrin's Barrow, bullying Tuon, telling the Borderlanders to go get stuffed (I'm not British but I love their insults:)).

I picture it going like this: Rand seizing enough of saidin (through the access key) to make any non-True Power or non-gholam resistance futile, taking a couple of Aiel and Ashaman for a token guard and gating to the Black Tower (let's ignore the dreamspike for argument's sake, he can ride the last couple of miles). Then he summons Taim and demands to know what exactly he's been doing since their last meeting (end of tPoD?) and why, making it clear that anything other than the truth will result in a gentle brush of balefire. Maybe I'm missing something but how does that not solve the Black Tower problem in a day or so? I was aching for this confrontation ever since Dark Rand was introduced.

I would love to hear your take on this - fire away :)
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Dark Rand vs. Taim - a missed opportunity? - 12/05/2011 12:07:40 AM 1372 Views
Dark Rand would approve of what Taim has been doing. - 12/05/2011 03:50:11 AM 753 Views
Re: Dark Rand would approve of what Taim has been doing. - 13/05/2011 12:03:58 AM 621 Views
More urgent would have been Dark Rand+Choedan Kal sorting out Tuon, the WT, ALL living Trollocs... - 12/05/2011 07:58:34 AM 819 Views
So, essentially, Rand should have done the DO's work before destroying him? - 12/05/2011 09:43:44 PM 670 Views
Umm...err - 16/05/2011 10:24:38 PM 678 Views
Re: Umm...err - 17/05/2011 12:07:50 AM 775 Views
What Rand did to clear out the trollocs in TOM was plenty big enough to do what you suggest. - 12/05/2011 05:14:40 PM 715 Views
Unless Taim is not a darkfriend. - 12/05/2011 10:37:48 PM 661 Views
Hasn't it been pretty solidly established that he's a DF? - 13/05/2011 07:21:47 PM 629 Views
true *NM* - 17/05/2011 12:35:02 PM 269 Views

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