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it's hard to heal a wound without leaving a scar mazza3 Send a noteboard - 09/05/2011 07:25:37 PM
The only definite answers we have on winning TG: Herid Fel believes the Pattern is "perfect" at some regular point in the Wheel's turning


Rand is able to fight the DO better when he's working with more people (the other lead heroes, specifically); Rand can win TG if the North & East are as one, ditto the South & West, & ditto for both halves

these i see as conditions that have to be met for the lightside to gain victory, but are not methods by which rand et al will win.

personally, i think that rand, moridin and shaidar haran will have to leave this plain of existence in order to do the necessary healing. even though this is slightly fantastical and goofy, i picture them suspended in an area similar to the in-between dream world that egwene is able to visit (full of stars) where rand can access and maybe even reweave the pattern. like channeling to heal a wound, and like repairing a torn tapestry, you have to reweave the appropriate skeins. i think that rand is the creator's chosen one and he will be imbued with the necessary power to directly alter reality and the DO will be trying to prevent him from doing so. i think that the battles on randland will be like the battles at falme, and will mirror the side which is currently experiencing the greater success.

i also think that padan fain will find a way to access this dreamworld place and he will be the x factor. maybe he will kill someone important, maybe he will be the aforementioned patch, maybe he will find a way to strike directly at the DO while both sides wit and watch in amazement. either way, i think that he will not supposed to be at this alternate reality event, but he will be there and the gollum-esque plot line will be fulfilled....
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How would you stop the DO? - 07/05/2011 07:59:58 PM 1430 Views
Re: How would you stop the DO? - 08/05/2011 02:00:25 PM 855 Views
Tire iron to the face. - 08/05/2011 03:04:07 PM 866 Views
Unleash... - 09/05/2011 04:31:07 PM 775 Views
it's hard to heal a wound without leaving a scar - 09/05/2011 07:25:37 PM 854 Views
Re: How would you stop the DO? - 09/05/2011 10:05:20 PM 815 Views
It took Obama to kill Osama - 10/05/2011 08:23:16 AM 1202 Views
Care Bear Stare! *NM* - 11/05/2011 02:08:46 AM 461 Views
with a toll booth. - 16/05/2011 03:58:56 PM 937 Views

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