Active Users:1478 Time:24/01/2025 05:55:34 AM
hmpf, i post a good point and nothing Yunalesca Send a noteboard - 28/04/2011 11:09:53 PM
Poontang – the Final Indignity
When all is said and done, when Gawyn has been used and abused so mercilessly by the object of his affection, and in spite of all of this, defended her from assassins regarding whose existence she herself dismissed his reports, nearly at the cost of his own life, she finally fulfills her promise and bonds him as a Warder and agrees to marry him. Yet, Egwene being Egwene, she still continues to set the tone for their relationship by finding one last way to screw him over (strictly figuratively speaking, which is the problem, if you know what I mean). She refuses to have sex with him (though by this point she might very well be the first woman in the entire series to do this under any circumstances) until they go through some meaningless farce of a wedding ceremony! Now as a general principle in real life, I do not personally disapprove of premarital abstinence in the least. On the other hand, Egwene and Gawyn don’t live in the real world, they live in the world of tWoT, where I cannot punch them. None of the reasons for premarital chastity apply to their circumstances. There is no religion, so that aspect does not apply to them. Regarding their customs, not only does the Two Rivers accept premarital sex (though it appears to be their own obscure revenge for the Breaking or something in that they don’t tell the men it’s okay), but Egwene has repeatedly and explicitly disavowed her obligations to Two Rivers practices, starting with the first book in the series, and even expressing her rationalizing for ignoring the particular practice as it applies to this specific case! As far as her prospective husband’s customs and traditions, there is no word one way or another on Andoran sexual mores, but judging by his female relatives, the specific practice of his family seems to be Trakands put out! Elayne’s holding out until the fourth date would appear to be more a result of her own personal inhibitions and innocence, than any real opposition to premarital relations, and Thom seems to have set her straight on that account as well, when they discuss her mother’s habits in tSR. So customs and practices of their homelands don’t apply, and certainly the Tower has no such restrictions. The only viable reason for withholding what some might argue would be his due, after defending her singlehandedly from the Bloodknives, would be the necessity for a commitment to a long-term relationship. Would Egwene (or her apologists in our community) REALLY try to make the ridiculous assertion that words spoke in the presence of a village pharmacist are more binding and more properly affirming lifetime commitment than a Warder bond? Real world religious scripture speaks of a man and woman becoming one flesh, but what is that compared to a bond that lets them feel one another’s emotions and physical sensations! Egwene is committed, she’s in the clear morally, and is by her own reckoning unbound by any tradition or social expectations. There is absolutely no reason to make Gawyn sleep in a separate bed, except her own contrary and malicious nature. And people expect me to trust in her friendship with Rand to induce her cooperation for Tarmon Gaidon?

this I disagree with, you really want those two idiots breeding? could you imagine what the kids would be like? perhaps that's why Eggers is a cock-block, she's Dreamed about the abominations she'd unleash on the world if Gawyn got his end away and put a kibosh on it.
The best things in life are weird:

“Brave Hobo, defend me as I flee!”
I have the face of a philosopher-king
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Egwene vs. Gawyn (ToM spoilers of course) - 28/04/2011 05:01:46 AM 4022 Views
There's fifty feet of crap between rock bottom and your post... *NM* - 28/04/2011 07:40:04 AM 484 Views
Almost three days since the last least I'm trying. - 28/04/2011 12:17:59 PM 968 Views
Sorry about that... - 28/04/2011 10:58:50 PM 1033 Views
Ah, its always good to see a good Egwene rant. Bravo! NM *NM* - 28/04/2011 01:58:46 PM 721 Views
Great work, Cannoli - 28/04/2011 02:09:28 PM 981 Views
Regarding the mother's permission.... - 28/04/2011 07:26:29 PM 1049 Views
while i agree with you on most of this - 28/04/2011 04:53:06 PM 1115 Views
hmpf, i post a good point and nothing - 28/04/2011 11:09:53 PM 891 Views
Everybody agrees with you, that's why there were no replies *NM* - 28/04/2011 11:29:13 PM 473 Views
Here's a scary thought - 28/04/2011 11:54:50 PM 1194 Views
OMGWTFBBQ!? - 28/04/2011 11:58:37 PM 945 Views
In regards to the letters... - 28/04/2011 05:28:13 PM 1161 Views
But Gawyn was not Egwene's subject - 28/04/2011 06:09:31 PM 966 Views
Which was why I thought it was appropriate, since he meant to act as Egwene's Warder. - 28/04/2011 06:19:53 PM 927 Views
The only issue is that Warders are not minions - they are honored junior partners. - 28/04/2011 07:39:18 PM 1094 Views
No, the junior partners are Accepted. Warders are essentially personal bodyguards and/or assistants. - 28/04/2011 08:00:17 PM 881 Views
Marriage - 28/04/2011 08:27:53 PM 910 Views
Accepted are not anything, let alone junior partners. Don't think N&E's experience was typical - 28/04/2011 09:32:22 PM 1118 Views
Here's the thing though... - 28/04/2011 11:20:32 PM 944 Views
No, but it's cute and quirky when Faile does it. - 29/04/2011 03:06:50 PM 1105 Views
But... - 29/04/2011 10:52:03 PM 903 Views
That's not really clear - 29/04/2011 11:41:20 PM 1029 Views
Actually, it is... - 30/04/2011 06:37:42 PM 1051 Views
Re: Actually, it is... - 30/04/2011 11:17:21 PM 926 Views
Didn't Siuan, Gareth and Gawyn tell her about the Bloodknife they encountered? - 02/05/2011 02:33:08 PM 935 Views
It isn't the worst romance in WoT - 28/04/2011 08:10:23 PM 1239 Views
Re: It isn't the worst romance in WoT - 28/04/2011 08:25:31 PM 1159 Views
thumbs up to you both *NM* - 28/04/2011 08:45:51 PM 457 Views
Re: It isn't the worst romance in WoT - 28/04/2011 08:46:37 PM 1061 Views
Galad is a great option for a political marriage - 28/04/2011 09:04:46 PM 920 Views
Yes, but... - 28/04/2011 09:40:39 PM 963 Views
but galad knew nothing of berelain's closeness to rand, so that couldn't have affected anything - 28/04/2011 10:12:23 PM 1003 Views
Exactly - 28/04/2011 10:27:04 PM 851 Views
Yes. An often overlooked point is that ELAYNE, not Egwene, gains the most power in ToM - 28/04/2011 09:42:43 PM 1307 Views
Except... - 28/04/2011 11:16:25 PM 965 Views
Well... - 29/04/2011 12:14:42 AM 915 Views
Re: Well... - 29/04/2011 08:39:37 AM 893 Views
Except they're both really hot. - 28/04/2011 10:01:46 PM 1098 Views
They were naive - 28/04/2011 11:10:34 PM 918 Views
Re: They were naive - 29/04/2011 03:18:42 PM 1174 Views
I can only quibble; Egwene became so insufferable in ToM I'm convinced her fate will be unpleasant. - 04/05/2011 12:41:53 AM 1077 Views
Siuan... - 04/05/2011 05:42:59 AM 1074 Views
Re: Siuan screwed up big time. - 07/05/2011 03:35:46 AM 941 Views
Re: Siuan screwed up big time. - 12/05/2011 02:13:08 PM 929 Views
"McClellanesque", eh? I'll have to remember that one. - 16/05/2011 12:12:23 AM 1201 Views

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