Active Users:417 Time:24/02/2025 07:32:41 AM
Re: It isn't the worst romance in WoT - Edit 1

Before modification by redqueen at 28/04/2011 08:46:59 PM

I believe he gave a token protest when they first talked about Egwene bonding him, but Egwene blew it off, and that was good enough for Gawyn (I belive her justification was something like "well, if your sister can be an Aes Sedai, you can be a Warder," which does nothing to address the conflict of interest/duties such a situation would bring). But yeah, I always wondered about why Gawyn would blow off the duties he spent most of his life being prepared for with barely a second thought. If this were any other relationship in the series, Gawyn's position in Andor would be a source or problems and compromise for the two of them, but instead...Egwene wants him to be the most subservient Warder in the history of the universe, and you KNOW he'll end up being just that

That's even worse I was hoping it had been some sort of authorial oversight. Damn.

Re Elayne and Gawyn - it isn't at all the same thing. The status of Aes Sedai is a membership to an organisation; it doesn't come with automatic responsibilities, save that they're expected to work for the good of the Tower in whatever they do. Elayne's dual status will create problems, but it will also be of benefit to Andor. If nothing else, it helps balance out the presence of the Black Tower a stone's-throw from her capital, which any other monarch would be crapping bricks over.

A Warder is not an Aes Sedai - he is a servant. Important and valuable, yes, but still dedicated to serving one woman to the exclusion of all else. Kinda like Selucia, actually. Neither service is the type you can leave if circumstances change, or take time off from if you're needed elsewhere. When he took the bond Gawyn forsook all his other duties, apparently with only a token thought of protest. Appalling.

Though re their life together - BS has confirmed that Egwene's viewing of Gawyn's two paths - long life or violent death - has been resolved. It amuses me to think that by choosing the bond, he's actually chosen the violent death, though neither knows it yet. Maybe the next Seanchan attack will be a crushing victory, all the Aes Sedai will be collared or killed, the Tower will be razed to the ground, and Gawyn will die when he tries to free Egwene, only to find she's been damane-brainwashed and tears him to bits.

Hm. Morbid

I wish, but RJ would be spinning in his grave if his pet character was given anything less than the happy ending she supposedly deserves.

God, I'm bitter

Arg, really, his favourite? Damn it. So much for my 'the Tower will be destroyed and a sane collection of little channeling organisations will replace it' hope.

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