It's not like he's just reading for the hell of it.
j-whitt987 Send a noteboard - 25/04/2011 09:31:18 PM
I'm aware that Sanderson felt the need to re-read the entire Wheel of Time series yet again (I'm assuming that he had read it at least twice prior to this current re-read given that his "official" re-read was labeled as just that - a re-read, and being a fan meant that he had read everything up to that point as a fan). However, his blog stated the following:
I ask your forbearance. I do believe that as a writer who has begun series, it is my responsibility to see that the other pieces of the story are written in a timely manner. However—and it may seem odd—I need to work on these other things to keep my next Wheel of Time and Stormlight installments good. It's how my process works.
So, that's the first warning. I'm taking a break for three months. The second warning is that I can't promise I'll hit the final deadline on the Wheel of Time series. (The last one was supposed to be out in November 2011.) The problem is this: starting January, it will have been three years since I read the Wheel of Time series start to finish. That's too long. I'm starting to forget things. I won't feel comfortable starting the final book until I've done another re-read, and this is going to slow me down by three or four months. It's an unexpected delay I didn't fit into my original projections of how long it would take me to write the books.
If I miss the deadline (which is more likely than not) it won't be by much. A few months, likely the same amount of time it takes me to do the re-read. But it is what must be done. So, I'd suggest that we set MARCH 2012 as the expected date of A Memory of Light. I suspect there will be some grumbling about this, but I feel I should let you know now, rather than later. It won't be an enormous delay, however. If my previous track record earns me anything, I hope it is the benefit of the doubt when it comes to me promising the release dates of books. I won't leave you hanging too long.
I realize that he's worked phenomenally fast in the past on books and has a far better track record than some other fantasy writers who will remain nameless but whose initials are George R.R. Martin of A Song of Ice and Fire fame GRRM.
However, isn't this superfluous re-read taking a bit too long? It's the end of four months of his "re-read" and he's only 33% done according to his progress bar. Skim a bit, man! There are plenty of boring sections that involve too many dress descriptions and horse names. It's inconceivable that he needs to read every word of the whole series yet again. At this rate, he will not be done with his re-read until 2012, much less actually writing the last book.
And why doesn't he do an interview with RAFO already?
Okay, there, my rant is done.
WoT is a huge series. He feels he needs to reread it again to refresh his memory. It's not his story he working on.
Kirk: Spock, you want to know something? Everybody’s human.
Spock: I find that remark…insulting.
Spock: I find that remark…insulting.
Is it just me, or is Sanderson's re-read of WoT taking an inordinate amount of time?
25/04/2011 08:35:10 PM
I would prefer it if he re-read it 5 times. I don't mind waiting.
25/04/2011 08:41:31 PM
I would love BS to get a better handle on the characters as well.
26/04/2011 05:42:24 PM
My problems with the series have little or nothing to do with Sanderson.
27/04/2011 10:50:15 PM
Why should you care. Just stop reading the series.
28/04/2011 09:45:17 PM
Because I want to find out how it ends. I was quite clear about that.
30/04/2011 12:34:51 AM
It's not like he's just reading for the hell of it.
25/04/2011 09:31:18 PM
He probably doesn't think he can afford to skim; which bits are the trivial ones?
26/04/2011 04:36:56 AM
After TOM re-reads, more beta readers and lots more edits is the order of the day
26/04/2011 01:00:15 PM
That could be just as easily fixed by having a few dedicated proofreaders.
27/04/2011 10:53:49 PM
I agree. I don't mind waiting, but it seems this re-read takes longer time than the previous one.
26/04/2011 04:30:25 PM
I agree with that sentiment. Team Jordan is there to address these issues.
27/04/2011 10:56:17 PM
You're comparing him to Martin? lol This book is going to come out 2 years after the previous *NM*
28/04/2011 01:01:41 AM
*dry* but imagine if he got those skimmable parts WRONG!!
26/04/2011 04:41:23 PM
Once again, that's what Maria and Team Jordan are there for. *NM*
27/04/2011 10:56:59 PM
I prefer him to complete his re-read and have enough time for a good series of round(s) for editing
26/04/2011 05:06:22 PM
not everyone can read and retain a book in a day like i can
26/04/2011 05:51:39 PM
I'm pretty sure most people around here can, and Brandon Sanderson can too.
27/04/2011 10:59:31 PM
He has said that he is starting to write the book since it's taking so long.
28/04/2011 05:13:09 AM