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I didn't think ToM was that good, but I didn't want to throw a blanket on others [Spoilers] The Angry Druid Send a noteboard - 15/02/2011 01:15:22 AM
BS had a tough job to do, but I just thought there was way too much time spent on small things (Galad/Perrin/Elayne's politics) and almost no time spent on big things (how to win LB, Black Tower, Seanchan, defending the Borderlands, Moiraine).

Both in terms of the chapters, and the priorities of the characters.

Not to mention I thought some characters acted so stupidly (Rand, Egwene, Verin) that it really detracted from my overall enjoyment.

Though there was some wonderful stuff, particularly along Perrin's line, I thought it was disappointing. And it wasn't all BS, some of the Mat stuff that was attributed to RJ, I thought was terrible.
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Deader than a doornail - 30/01/2011 07:11:58 AM 1419 Views
There's always a lull a couple months after the book is released - 30/01/2011 10:07:06 AM 857 Views
The book was terrible. *NM* - 30/01/2011 12:32:09 PM 463 Views
switch this message board to bring up threads with new replies first instead of just newest threads *NM* - 30/01/2011 05:31:38 PM 388 Views
That is a fantastic point. - 30/01/2011 07:07:55 PM 771 Views
You can set it to do that very thing, you know. - 30/01/2011 11:17:13 PM 885 Views
thanks! *NM* - 31/01/2011 08:10:50 PM 356 Views
+in the right corner there's another - 01/02/2011 05:07:04 PM 735 Views
I didn't think ToM was that good, but I didn't want to throw a blanket on others [Spoilers] - 15/02/2011 01:15:22 AM 783 Views

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