Active Users:267 Time:01/07/2024 05:31:25 PM
You, sir, make no sense! Nargs Send a noteboard - 02/02/2011 01:01:16 AM
You're telling me they were normal Dark Hounds but Temporarily different?

They had MORE power than regular dark hounds? Their nature was altered by the dark one if temporarily? So, they are different at least in that moment in time??

We have Rand's testimony, albiet from a characters possibly flawed perspective, that the Darkhounds are different. They're unlike anything Rand has seen up until then. Whether that is a temporary and/or artificial change doesnt matter. They are different.

Shadar Haran IS a special/different/"new kind" of fade that the forsaken havent seen before.

If I have a robot that is artificially created(obviously) and then I give him some upgrades then he is a new version of his kind.

I am not saying that these are something entirely new and not Dark Hounds at all. Simply that they are new kinds of dark hounds. Temporary change or not. From the Dark One or not. Him manifesting himself in the dark hounds or not. These are not like any dark hounds previously seen by us or Rand. They can be considered a new kind of the kind.

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Dark Hounds - Unbeatable? - 26/01/2011 06:02:34 PM 923 Views
why are you saying they can only be killed by balefire? Perrin killed one - 26/01/2011 06:18:47 PM 571 Views
There's more than one type of darkhound- we've seen some that can only be balefired - 26/01/2011 07:32:38 PM 637 Views
Yet it remains unproven that these two were of a different "kind" - 27/01/2011 12:02:38 PM 548 Views
Re: Yet it remains unproven that these two were of a different "kind" - 28/01/2011 06:14:24 PM 444 Views
DomA makes a good point - 28/01/2011 09:14:42 PM 443 Views
Re: DomA DOES NOT makes a good point - 02/02/2011 02:54:27 PM 409 Views
You, sir, make no sense! - 01/02/2011 08:58:16 PM 388 Views
Actually, it DOES make sense - 01/02/2011 10:18:38 PM 364 Views
You, sir, make no sense! - 02/02/2011 01:01:16 AM 451 Views
Internet, thy name is semantics. *NM* - 02/02/2011 08:11:01 AM 172 Views

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