Active Users:894 Time:19/12/2024 08:46:33 AM
Re: I mean, if you take the long view... Ryan Send a noteboard - 19/01/2011 05:33:08 AM
I agree, the Dagger and Fain will have a part to play, but you really can't say Mat was lucky to take the dagger.

The dagger 1)Gave Mat a reason to chase after the Horn, eventually linking him to it 2)Put "holes" in his memory that he filled with the memories of battlemasters of history.

This is the view I take. Shadar Logoth was the point where the characters truly got out on their own and began to develop as individuals outside of a group.

Rand dealing with his own issues trying to reach Tar Valon for safety, and answers to why the Trollocs were attacking the Two Rivers.

Mat, the dagger that led to him being linked to the Horn of Valere, having holes in his memory, that sent him into the land of the Finns, getting his memories, his Ashandarei, and his ter'angreal.

Perrin, the wolves, his conflicts as a leader, and his long debate over the Hammer vs. the Axe.

The events at Shadar Logoth are singularly in my opinion one of the most pivotal events of the series. Everything to that point, really was a long introduction. The story truly takes off at Shadar Logoth.
The past is just that, the past. You can only truly live by looking to the future!
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Key to the final battle is in Matt's first "Lucky" incident. - 15/01/2011 04:11:02 AM 2026 Views
You think him taking the Dagger was lucky? - 15/01/2011 09:39:01 AM 971 Views
I mean, if you take the long view... - 15/01/2011 09:56:47 AM 1088 Views
Re: I mean, if you take the long view... - 19/01/2011 05:33:08 AM 866 Views
If you prefer, "The pattern working thru him" rather than "lucky" - 20/01/2011 01:14:35 AM 909 Views
Possibly true, but it's debatable if that was Mat's luck - 15/01/2011 10:04:45 AM 1024 Views
actually, his luck started much AFTER the dagger *NM* - 15/01/2011 01:28:12 PM 438 Views
he was ta'veren even then so his luck was likely in place already - 15/01/2011 04:47:42 PM 847 Views
Re: he was ta'veren even then so his luck was likely in place already - 15/01/2011 04:49:55 PM 874 Views
Mat was lucky long before Rhuidean - 15/01/2011 05:40:57 PM 928 Views
oh thanks! *NM* - 15/01/2011 05:42:52 PM 400 Views
Mat mentions during the books that - 15/01/2011 07:46:04 PM 870 Views
Re: Mat mentions during the books that - 16/01/2011 05:54:32 AM 946 Views
The Eye of the World - 19/01/2011 05:38:47 AM 882 Views
Re: The Eye of the World - 19/01/2011 07:29:31 AM 1039 Views
Luck -ter'angreal & Mat - 19/01/2011 02:28:25 PM 888 Views
About his luck... Does anyone still remember Liandrin and the 12 other Black Ajah sisters? - 15/01/2011 07:36:42 PM 1241 Views
Maybe it will come up in AMoL and be used against him? - 16/01/2011 03:55:39 AM 997 Views
Not sure, but here's the excerpt - 16/01/2011 04:08:23 AM 883 Views
The second seems much more likely, and in keeping with the series. - 16/01/2011 06:05:20 AM 852 Views
Re: Maybe it will come up in AMoL and be used against him? - 16/01/2011 07:43:21 PM 890 Views
great find! *NM* - 16/01/2011 02:25:02 PM 410 Views
I always figured that was a plot device - 17/01/2011 12:01:23 AM 935 Views
No - Mat has always been lucky, winning more than losing. - 17/01/2011 01:51:50 PM 781 Views
Re: No - Mat has always been lucky, winning more than losing. - 19/01/2011 07:26:09 AM 880 Views
Re: No - Mat has always been lucky, winning more than losing. - 19/01/2011 10:05:37 AM 860 Views
From EoTW, the dream of the three figures, sword, dagger and wolf. - 20/01/2011 01:20:15 AM 964 Views
Could the dagger be a ter'angreal like the dice ter'angreal? - 20/01/2011 10:12:42 AM 824 Views

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