If each one of the Five Powers was on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the strongest anyone could be in that Power (ie Fire) and you could choose a total of 30 points (out of a possible 50) to assign to your channeler, how would you assign your strength?
If you wish you can also explain why.
Fire seems to be the go-to weave for guys. I can use it to strengthen just about anything in battle, gives me awesome heat control and I don't have to worry about cooking. And I can be a firefighter (could be damn useful where I live). Note that Air and Water stop working when the fire gets big enough - you have to find the water, and wind just fuels the fire.
Spirit is used in damn near everything. And can do some cool stuff by itself with Dreamwalking.
Air is useful defensively, but most of the things you can do with it are reproducible with Fire and Spirit.
Water and Earth - some things require all 5 powers, but not to much of these by themselves.
What kind of channeler would you choose to be?
08/01/2011 06:23:31 AM
Air - ∞, Water - ∞, Earth - ∞, Fire - ∞, Spirit - ∞. Because that's how I roll. *NM*
08/01/2011 08:42:33 PM
Fire 10, Spirit 8, Air 6, Earth 3, Water 3
16/01/2011 08:00:45 AM