Active Users:267 Time:01/07/2024 05:32:14 PM
Lanfear or a Forsaken as Nakomi don't make much sense to me DomA Send a noteboard - 12/01/2011 06:03:32 PM
It seems poetic that the Forsaken some of whose interactions with Rand started in Rhuidean would return, do something to the ter'angreal, track Aviendha and then disguise herself (as she did with Rand) to sow seeds for Rands' destruction.

Absolutely nothing in Nakomi's conversation with Aviendha points toward a Forsaken or the goals of the Shadow. The "woman" clearly knew current Aiel culture really, really well. It's somewhat doubtful she is a real Aiel, so some kind of paranormal manifestation is more likely. This is not TAR anyway, Aviendha wasn't asleep and this definitely didn't take place in one of her dreams. She might have fallen asleep without realizing it... but there's absolutely no way I can see she could wake up without realising she had been asleep, and drew the obvious conclusion she had dreamed Nakomi. Of course, there's her food and equipment as well... Aviendha would have fast figured out what she thought happened didn't really happened, if those were untouched. If Aviendha was so absent-minded that she can't tell if she slept or not, she wouldn't survive long in an environment like the Waste...

So the obvious conclusion is that Aviendha was awake and conscious, and if there's something paranormal about the visit of Nakomi, and all signs like her disappearance point to something like this, then Aviendha got a visit from a non human entity (eg: the Creator, whom the Shienarans call The Mother, which happens to be who Nakomis is in native americ. legends), or more likely, she's experienced a folding, a twisting of reality, a vision that merged with her reality - which points to an intervention by the Wheel of Time.

Nakomi merely pointed out Aviendha's reflections on the important unresolved matter of the real nature of the change to the Aiel the arrival of Rand and the LB is bringing. She planted seeds of doubt in Aviendha that the Aiel would one day return to the Waste and warrior business as usual. Nakomi just nudged, much like the Creator just nudged Rand in EOTW: "you have a choice to make" - the choice he made in TGS that Creation was worth saving, which instantly turned him into a whole new sort of Champion of the Light. To Aviendha, that the Aiel would remain Warriors was a no brainer before. Not anymore, and after her vision she knows it would spell the Aiel's doom. What Aviendha still doesn't understand is that there is no ancient "sin" to atone for, and it's not by being warriors behind the car'a'carn they will "redeem" themselves. The Aiel were guided to abandon the Way of the Leaf as a matter of survival, because for the Wheel's sake, the Way of the Leaf had to survive only as a remnant among the Tinkers for three thousand years. It's rather obvious this was so the Aiel could be there again as "Da'shain Aiel" when it counts. All it needs now is Aviendha's revelation and the intervention of LTT with facts from the AOL and the reunion of Tinkers and Aiel at his instigation. Not returning to the Way of the Leaf when they can and ought to now would be the "Aiel Sin".

The WO have been "going with the flow", with a wait and see strategy. They still have no clear idea how a remnant of a remnant will survive, nor how the others will be destroyed. Aviendha has seen a version of the future in which the remnant of a remnant is weirdly a lot more than "a remnant of a remnant" but they also don't survive Rand very long, a few generations only before Aiel as a cultural group are gone for good, and all because of their own choices. It's the Aiel, not Rand, who decided to declare some sort of vendetta on the Seanchan, and throw the world into a devasting war.

Nothing in there is the "Shadow's business". What would Lanfear or even Moridin or the DO care about the choices of the Aiel after the LB?

If Cyndane goes against Rand's lovers, and she still well might before the end, it's going to be a lot more straightforward than this.
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Avi's 2nd trip indirectly tells us something about Elayne - 08/01/2011 10:31:15 PM 2162 Views
Aviendha and Tuon are also dead or gone by that point. *NM* - 09/01/2011 04:07:44 AM 530 Views
That does not surprise me - 10/01/2011 12:06:23 AM 978 Views
40/50 is still young for Tuon to die, unless she's assassinated - 10/01/2011 12:26:19 AM 898 Views
they've been collared *NM* - 10/01/2011 01:55:18 PM 388 Views
I just figured that Elayne, Egwene and Nynaeve died fighting the Seanchan - 10/01/2011 05:28:14 PM 1004 Views
that doesn't fit the timeline though - 11/01/2011 04:58:11 PM 822 Views
Strange. - 11/01/2011 07:16:28 PM 795 Views
clearly? - 10/01/2011 07:24:17 PM 859 Views
Re: clearly? - 10/01/2011 08:08:54 PM 786 Views
Re: clearly? - 10/01/2011 08:18:46 PM 714 Views
It tells us Elayne doesn't rule very long, and neither does her daughter... BUT - 10/01/2011 09:15:29 PM 1056 Views
I wonder if Nakomi was Lanfear & if so, perhaps changed the programming of the ter'angreal - 10/01/2011 10:30:50 PM 879 Views
Yeah, Lanfear put Confundus Charm on the columns... *NM* - 11/01/2011 03:00:46 PM 376 Views
Lanfear or a Forsaken as Nakomi don't make much sense to me - 12/01/2011 06:03:32 PM 1221 Views
Re: Lanfear or a Forsaken as Nakomi don't make much sense to me - 23/01/2011 07:43:42 AM 863 Views
Re: Lanfear or a Forsaken as Nakomi don't make much sense to me - 26/01/2011 12:09:30 AM 645 Views
As to the Nakomi problem... - 26/01/2011 05:22:50 AM 938 Views
Aviendha time traveling back to herself. Very interesting...and possible...I'll have to think on it *NM* - 30/01/2011 10:02:44 PM 437 Views
I've heard this one before but... - 01/02/2011 09:09:39 PM 786 Views
I agree. *NM* - 02/02/2011 01:48:09 PM 367 Views
Re: It tells us Elayne doesn't rule very long, and neither does her daughter... BUT - 29/01/2011 11:32:10 PM 667 Views
There is no reason to believe Nakomi is Verin. *NM* - 30/01/2011 10:01:33 PM 442 Views

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