Air- 7, Water - 7, Earth - 5, Fire - 4, Spirit - 7 *NM*
DrJacJacMcScrumptious Send a noteboard - 08/01/2011 02:32:21 PM
If each one of the Five Powers was on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the strongest anyone could be in that Power (ie Fire) and you could choose a total of 30 points (out of a possible 50) to assign to your channeler, how would you assign your strength?
If you wish you can also explain why.
And the answer came to her instantly: pride. Oh, you hear them say it's a sin; you hear them say it goes before a fall. the shepherd prides himself on keeping the wolf out from the flock. We pride ourselves on making a good history of our lives, a good story to be told.
What kind of channeler would you choose to be?
08/01/2011 06:23:31 AM
Air- 7, Water - 7, Earth - 5, Fire - 4, Spirit - 7 *NM*
08/01/2011 02:32:21 PM
Air - ∞, Water - ∞, Earth - ∞, Fire - ∞, Spirit - ∞. Because that's how I roll. *NM*
08/01/2011 08:42:33 PM