Active Users:623 Time:11/03/2025 04:57:32 AM
Depends on the circumstances really darius_sedai Send a noteboard - 04/01/2011 02:17:29 PM
Moghedien was an idiot to engage Nynaeve the way she did. Reversed weaves to slice Nynaeves and a then a reversed shield of her own and she would have won in minutes.

As for the men, I agree with your thoughts mainly because I think Reversing is easier for women due to their naturally higher dexterity. Seems to me that Reversing with saidin takes a bit more effort so the men don't bother with is unless it's going to be an obvious advantage, like Demandred v. Flinn's circle.
Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
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How did Cyndane defeat Alivia? - 31/12/2010 08:03:39 PM 3557 Views
As RJ said, Cyndane knows a LOT more about the OP - 31/12/2010 08:33:47 PM 1636 Views
Re: As RJ said, Cyndane knows a LOT more about the OP - 31/12/2010 11:54:57 PM 1385 Views
RJ said this .. Go look at his quotes *NM* - 01/01/2011 05:59:37 AM 875 Views
Re: RJ said this .. Go look at his quotes - 01/01/2011 06:43:09 AM 1239 Views
Dude, he calls it out specifically. Cyndane beat Alivia because of her skill - 01/01/2011 03:22:48 PM 1243 Views
Search for "Alivia" - 01/01/2011 05:58:53 PM 1172 Views
nothing on either url *NM* - 01/01/2011 11:02:05 PM 541 Views
Try spelling it correctly then - 02/01/2011 01:30:23 AM 1124 Views
I did, maybe you made the mistake - 02/01/2011 07:13:54 PM 950 Views
Re: I did, maybe you made the mistake - 02/01/2011 07:51:22 PM 1045 Views
Here are few other quotes establishing how little Alivia knows of the OP - 02/01/2011 07:39:36 PM 1194 Views
Damane don't know about reversed weaves - 31/12/2010 09:56:51 PM 1293 Views
Re: Damane don't know about reversed weaves - 31/12/2010 11:48:15 PM 1130 Views
Re: Damane don't know about reversed weaves - 01/01/2011 01:18:50 AM 1085 Views
How did *Alivia* survive? - 01/01/2011 12:45:29 AM 1421 Views
Re: How did *Alivia* survive? - 01/01/2011 01:26:09 AM 1227 Views
Yes, odd. - 01/01/2011 01:45:01 AM 1156 Views
Nicola wasn't the dragon reborn with the pattern bending around her - 02/01/2011 12:24:50 PM 1046 Views
Not really ... Rand has had LTT knowledge leaking into his head for a long time - 02/01/2011 07:13:41 PM 1041 Views
reversed weaves are only useful when dealing with someone who doesn't know they exist. - 03/01/2011 07:51:01 PM 962 Views
Depends on the circumstances really - 04/01/2011 02:17:29 PM 1109 Views
but why would she have any idea that Nynaeve would be able to resist her. - 10/01/2011 07:30:49 PM 1049 Views
Well she did get attacked right off the bat... Pretty indicative that Nyn resist her compulsion - 11/01/2011 12:56:51 AM 1023 Views
Exactly. which is why she didn't have time to do any "fancy" and time consuming reversing. - 11/01/2011 03:23:50 PM 1181 Views
that's where she made her mistake - 11/01/2011 04:47:56 PM 996 Views
It would be these memories, his t'a'veren nature & sheer luck/plot necessity that gave him the edge - 03/01/2011 10:32:43 PM 1091 Views
Well that was always going to happen - 03/01/2011 11:41:22 PM 1023 Views
agreed - 04/01/2011 02:18:23 PM 1091 Views
Re: How did Cyndane defeat Alivia? - 01/01/2011 12:56:54 AM 1213 Views
Re: How did Cyndane defeat Alivia? - 01/01/2011 01:13:39 AM 1159 Views
She's just that good - 01/01/2011 01:48:26 AM 1102 Views
magic *NM* - 01/01/2011 08:17:16 PM 503 Views
Cyndane injured Alivia, yes, but Alivia fought Cyndane off. - 02/01/2011 12:36:12 AM 1156 Views
Re: Cyndane injured Alivia, yes, but Alivia fought Cyndane off. - 02/01/2011 09:56:34 AM 1114 Views
Yup. - 02/01/2011 03:12:39 PM 1061 Views
Alivia has little experience fighting channellers, unlike Lanfear (most likely)... - 03/01/2011 12:56:43 AM 1402 Views
I agree with you - 03/01/2011 01:08:35 AM 1055 Views
Demandred wasn't commenting on Cadsuane's paralis net, but on her little bird saidin detector... - 03/01/2011 07:01:08 AM 1173 Views
Where do you get this idea? *NM* - 03/01/2011 07:19:50 PM 608 Views
Well, he's definitely right he was commenting on one of the specific ter'angreal in her "net". - 03/01/2011 10:51:09 PM 1108 Views
I'm thinking there are 2 items that break webs in different ways - 04/01/2011 07:51:46 PM 1071 Views
Very interesting point. I never noticed that before... - 05/01/2011 08:02:52 AM 1015 Views
Cadsuane has two types of weavebreakers... - 05/01/2011 12:51:38 PM 942 Views
inconclusive ... the ornament may be the same one she used to disrupt Semirhage - 05/01/2011 04:09:39 PM 1017 Views
I'm confused... - 05/01/2011 06:15:06 PM 995 Views
Why should Cadsuane's "distance" unraveler not also go cold at nearby channeling? - 05/01/2011 06:51:49 PM 1004 Views
I'd buy this. - 05/01/2011 07:12:50 PM 978 Views
Except Cyndane had never heard of a ter'angreal that can unravel weaves... - 05/01/2011 07:18:58 PM 900 Views
Not necessarily. - 05/01/2011 09:26:49 PM 1003 Views
I doubt it since LTT claims they created the "first" ones in the AOL - 08/01/2011 05:23:53 PM 957 Views
The first paralis nets, not necessarily the first weave breakers. - 09/01/2011 09:53:56 PM 1010 Views
Maybe, but that's getting really convoluted - 10/01/2011 03:36:17 AM 880 Views
Agreed - 10/01/2011 05:14:45 PM 980 Views
It would fit the various scenarios if she had 2 kinds ... - 05/01/2011 03:53:48 PM 961 Views
Because Demandred said so... - 04/01/2011 07:28:56 AM 1044 Views
Re: Because Demandred said so... - 04/01/2011 08:45:38 AM 1066 Views
Well there you have it, then... - 04/01/2011 09:24:38 AM 928 Views
Contortions - 04/01/2011 09:56:11 AM 7891 Views
If anyone made a mistake, it was Sanderson, not RJ. - 04/01/2011 10:07:30 AM 927 Views
Re: If anyone made a mistake, it was Sanderson, not RJ. - 04/01/2011 10:35:45 AM 1109 Views
I don't think Rand is referring to the system as an indivisible whole. - 04/01/2011 10:45:24 AM 1047 Views
Besides, he knew of the Well from their previous visit to Far Madding... - 04/01/2011 11:18:39 AM 1038 Views
It's also possible that a Paralis Net is simply a name for any personal system - 04/01/2011 09:23:18 PM 1163 Views
I agree. - 10/01/2011 07:08:19 PM 1017 Views
Agreed. Knowledge is power when it comes to channeling. - 03/01/2011 10:26:37 PM 1015 Views
Re: Agreed. Knowledge is power when it comes to channeling. - 03/01/2011 11:07:20 PM 1106 Views

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