Active Users:967 Time:23/02/2025 03:54:14 PM
Don't take this the wrong way, but I think I love you. (edited) lilltempest Send a noteboard - 29/12/2010 06:43:32 PM
I also commend you for wasting your time discussing this matter with a certain person, since nothing you say will ever sway him. Instead, he'll just keep calling you stupid/moron/whatever and refuse to consider any other options than the one he has grasped as though holding onto it was a deciding factor in whether he will live or die. Reminds me of Egwene...

Back on topic, I hope you're right, but I have my doubts. Egwene is the Bella of the story, much as you indicated in your NB to me on facebook. It was intentional on RJ's part, I'm sure (I don't see how an author could write a character so unbelievably Mary Sue-ish without it being intended...most authors would at least have someone think what an obnoxious bitch she is and be shown as "correct";) yet I lack your conviction that he intended to remedy the situation. Though I would love to see her get her comeuppance, or at the very least be forced to take a step back and support Rand after so vehemently planning a war against the man if he refuses to submit to her authority, I'm not convinced in the least that it will happen. Still, I can see where you're coming from. There have been parallels between her and Elaida from the day she took office and, if I look at it from your POV, it does seem intentional (her blasting Elaida for mentioning using the Oath Rod to force people into obedience to her when she forced people who are bound by the OR to swear personal fealty to her, her wanting to punish Rand for doing the same while thinking there was nothing wrong with her doing it, her thoughts that you mentioned from ToM where she's thinking how Nyn can't ever admit she's wrong when Egwene is the one displaying that particular trait, and the list goes on...and on...and on...).

What's more, we've seen that, from day one, Egwene was somewhat of a narcissist who grows into an even worse narcissist. She has never been told 'no' by someone who reinforced it in a way that made an impression on her. With the Wise Ones, she "owned up" to her lying after the fact when whatever punishment they gave her was not something she could not handle. By accepting the spanking they gave her, she still kept their respect and love and all was forgotten so she could screw them over again in the future. Had they refused to have anything to do with her again, that would've made an impression on her, but that's not their way because the Aiel believe that the humiliation and submission involved in accepting the physical punishment (as well as the knowledge that she disappointed them, failed them as a friend and student, and showed a lack of honor through her actions) will keep the perpetrator from committing the same act again. Unfortunately, that only works if the person feels that she has done a bad thing and that the consequences are not something she wishes to face again - that is not the case with Egwene. Spanking her has about as much effect on her as throwing M&Ms at someone as punishment, mainly because she never truly submits to anyone's authority. The Aes Sedai never understood that about her. Even Silviana, who was presented as a "good" MoN, never had the brains to figure out the fact that spanking Egwene was pointless because Egwene never truly submitted and accepted Silviana's authority over her. Instead, Egwene saw herself as a victim/prisoner/whatever (before, when she was a novice and Accepted, spankings were just things she had to tolerate in order to keep doing as she pleased, without real consequences for her actions).

Had Silviana - or even the Wise Ones - truly wished to get through her, there were many things they could've done. She understands the meaning of da'tsang, and if Silviana had wanted to get her attention, she should've dressed her in black, given her a spoon and forced her to dig a hole with it and then fill it up. In other words, Silviana made a fatal mistake in not hitting Egwene's ego. Elaida could've effectively ended Egwene's crap when the Sitters were there by using Air to silence her instead of trying to beat her (which just fed Egwene's vision of herself as this awesome martyr prisoner goddess who was always right and accepted pain without bending her neck). Allowing Egwene to speak was the mistake. Gag the bitch with Air and sit her in a corner with her hair in pigtails while holding a doll so that others see her as the bratty child that she is and she won't be able to take it.

The problem is that the Aes Sedai operate under the assumption that every girl who goes to the Tower accepts its authority and spankings will humiliate them and force them to behave in the future. They had never come across someone like Egwene, who accepts no authority over her, especially after being collared. They never encountered someone like Egwene who takes spankings and still keeps the attitude that she is better than everyone there. When I first read KoD, I found it ridiculous that the sisters there pretty much gave up on punishing her and allowed her to get away with behaving as though she was higher ranked than they were, but now I get it - it wasn't that they accepted her preposterous claims to the Amyrlin Seat, it was that they didn't know what else to do. They could not vaguely comprehend the fact that a girl could take so many spankings and refuse to give even a millionth of an inch because every last one of them had taken those spankings and gotten back in line with their behavior. Because of this, they were unable to make the connection that it took more than a strap to assert authority over someone like Egwene. Elaida had given specific orders not to break Egwene's spirit (much like Egwene, Elaida wanted everyone to submit to her by choice since that is more brag worthy than forcing them to do so), so they were limited in their actions. Egwene is all about the ego and being seen as "above" everyone else and in control of everything. Even when Elayne and Nyn were her "equals", she couldn't stand not being seen as the one in control. She refused to even consider Nyn's suggestion because Nyn had once been her "boss" and threw tantrums and acted like such an ass to the point where Elayne, Ms. Peacemaker, had to slap her down. So the question is, when Rand refuses to submit to her at FoM, what option gives her the best chance of being seen as the god she believes the Amyrlin is?

Unfortunately, I don't think she'll comprehend that the best option is to back down and support him. If that thought even vaguely crossed her mind, she wouldn't have been so adamant about gathering armies (to the detriment of the countries she was leaving undefended) to use against him. She wouldn't be thinking about the fact that she doesn't want Rand to force her hand. I have absolutely no doubt that she will try to attack him when he refuses to submit to her - it will be a hard and extremely public blow to her authority, which is something a narcissist can't handle. I believe we may see a mirror of the Elaida-Egwene scene in tGS...only this time it will be Egwene attacking Rand and Rand peacefully taking it in hopes people will see what a power hungry fool she really is. And I really think Perrin will be the one to save him from it. I just hope that, when it is all done, Egwene loses everything. I've always hoped that Elaida's foretelling about the WT being "whole and stronger than ever" meant only one thing: that it will, indeed, be whole and larger due to Egwene dragging all female channelers under her authority, but it will also be isolated and cut off from the world until the Aes Sedai change their attitudes. I also hope "the remnants cast out and scorned" will be those Aes Sedai who choose to support Rand - Nyn, Cadsuane, Moiraine, and all the other "bad examples" of Aes Sedai that Rand referred to. They'll help Rand in the Final Battle while Egwene leads the other AS to what she believes will be "glory" only to be left out of what's really important. That, in my opinion, would be a just end to the WT's storyline.
This message last edited by lilltempest on 29/12/2010 at 07:39:44 PM
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The significance of 23 stars (TOM Spoilers) - 14/12/2010 11:48:55 PM 3799 Views
It would be a first... - 15/12/2010 02:46:33 AM 1642 Views
Re: It would be a first... - 15/12/2010 04:39:17 AM 1272 Views
I think people aren't giving Egwene enough credit. - 15/12/2010 04:59:09 AM 1328 Views
She's not bringing everyone for a discussion, but for leverage to force him to change his mind. - 19/12/2010 09:54:49 PM 1244 Views
- 20/12/2010 01:50:39 AM 1253 Views
Re: - 20/12/2010 04:37:24 AM 1092 Views
Huh? - 20/12/2010 05:09:39 AM 1158 Views
I find the theory - 20/12/2010 09:18:34 AM 1093 Views
That's a new one to me - 20/12/2010 09:45:09 AM 1197 Views
Your theory is very unlikely - 20/12/2010 09:50:26 AM 1203 Views
If it was a plant, why would it be so oblique? - 29/12/2010 07:22:58 AM 1050 Views
Re: - 20/12/2010 08:09:53 PM 1271 Views
That's not true. - 21/12/2010 02:22:50 AM 1335 Views
Sadly, the thing you reference four times isn't actually anywhere in the book. - 29/12/2010 03:17:15 AM 1318 Views
+1 - 29/12/2010 07:10:41 AM 1205 Views
Don't take this the wrong way, but I think I love you. (edited) - 29/12/2010 06:43:32 PM 1469 Views
Ah, if only I could sell the concept of sister-wives.... - 29/12/2010 07:09:56 PM 1101 Views
Re: It would be a first... - 15/12/2010 12:43:49 PM 1687 Views
Dear lord, you wrote the Egwene haters' ultimate fantasy right there - 19/12/2010 01:41:55 AM 1200 Views
Don't think of use as Egwene haters... - 19/12/2010 04:32:11 AM 1162 Views
One problematic issue...This assumes the Dark One cannot hold himself back once the Seals are broken - 15/12/2010 07:57:53 AM 1335 Views
Err, it's the other way around - 15/12/2010 09:00:38 AM 1258 Views
I see. It's the same thing, really, just looking at it from the opposite perspective... - 15/12/2010 09:14:22 AM 1340 Views
Don't you know it's all about the posturing - 15/12/2010 09:40:15 AM 1307 Views
It's more that you take it out of context - 15/12/2010 11:32:36 AM 1316 Views
So then... - 15/12/2010 06:35:02 PM 1295 Views
Re: So then... - 16/12/2010 03:39:19 AM 1209 Views
Re: So then... - 16/12/2010 08:11:37 AM 1189 Views
Mierin - 16/12/2010 08:13:55 AM 1392 Views
It would be a good strategy for a conventional war, but - 16/12/2010 07:32:30 AM 1227 Views
Nature of the DO - 15/12/2010 10:38:24 PM 1119 Views
While I agree overall, I think this is a case where Rand/TDR mistakes his role - 15/12/2010 05:37:25 PM 1095 Views
I don't see why Egwene would oppose his plan - 15/12/2010 06:17:47 PM 1114 Views
I don't think that's the issue. - 15/12/2010 07:31:03 PM 1177 Views
I think Egwene is successful and Rand has to go to the Seanchan for female channeler assistance - 18/12/2010 12:47:54 AM 1229 Views
Egwene's dream seems a little more personal than that - 18/12/2010 04:55:37 AM 1080 Views
Yes - 18/12/2010 07:57:35 AM 1106 Views
Actually, I think Tuon will capture her, and then release her. *NM* - 18/12/2010 02:47:42 PM 588 Views
Re: It would be a first... - 18/12/2010 02:48:40 PM 1124 Views
Re: It would be a first... - 18/12/2010 03:28:57 PM 1105 Views
Those are vewings and prophesies... - 18/12/2010 03:43:55 PM 966 Views
I wish - 16/12/2010 08:29:23 PM 1167 Views
That's just it: Egwene is not only wrong, she's narratively wrong. - 19/12/2010 11:30:35 PM 1546 Views
Man, that's the best take on Egwene I have ever read. - 20/12/2010 12:38:07 AM 1139 Views
+1 - 20/12/2010 01:07:24 AM 1225 Views
You may be onto something there. - 20/12/2010 01:35:46 AM 1166 Views
Thanks. - 20/12/2010 01:24:42 AM 1118 Views
Re: That's just it: Egwene is not only wrong, she's narratively wrong. - 20/12/2010 04:39:57 PM 1250 Views
Wish I'd read this sooner, 'cos I agree on several points. - 29/12/2010 03:38:59 AM 1176 Views
Re: Wish I'd read this sooner, 'cos I agree on several points. - 29/12/2010 07:32:49 AM 1148 Views
It seems an odd oversight, yes; I can't even recall her being Delved when the truth was revealed. - 29/12/2010 12:40:00 PM 1179 Views
Ensure this value has at most 100 characters (it has 101). - 29/12/2010 03:00:22 PM 2898 Views
Ah, good point; Rand might have to do the job himself. - 29/12/2010 06:43:44 PM 1146 Views
More likely to be Flinn. - 29/12/2010 08:18:19 PM 1162 Views
Maybe, once he knows the signs and techniques. - 30/12/2010 03:10:27 PM 1165 Views
Not sure if Rand had seized the source yet - he wouldn't have wanted to do it in front of Ramshalan - 30/12/2010 03:15:43 PM 1105 Views
Good point, too. - 30/12/2010 03:17:06 PM 1090 Views
He was holding the gateway open. *NM* - 30/12/2010 04:27:25 PM 571 Views
Thanks, had forgotten that. - 31/12/2010 04:43:25 AM 1089 Views

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