avoid all OP conflict between groups of channellers discoounting the Shadow's not involving the Shadow for 3000 years. That's huge.
By its power and influence, the WT has forced the other two big groups of channellers to remain hidden and uninvolved.
And that was good... how exactly?Now they're in the open, and the male channellers have returned, and they're here to stay. The WT is more needed than ever, not less. It needs to evolve, and to change enough so it becomes acceptable to the far less rigid thinking of the WO and Windfinders, and to the Asha'man who have to build themselves up from scratch, pretty much forsaking everything started at the BT, which isn't an institution but an army, and an army that answers only to itself.
Oh, now I get it. Sure if the White Tower evolves enough it'll be acceptable... but then it won't be the White Tower as we know it. It's a bit like saying "bacteria can build spacecraft - they just need to evolve first".The Westlands don't know the Windfinders, and all they know of the Aiel make them fear them, adn with the Asha'man its even worse. The WT may not be loved, but it is trusted for maintaining its channellers under control. It is trusted to keep all OP threats away from the people. The people wish, and expect the WT to keep the BT under control. The fear of male channellers won't vanish in a blink. Even the female channellers must still kept their fears at bay. At the Aes Sedai's side and without their arrogance and threatening uniforms, they don't inspire as much fear.
Yeah, Aes Sedai (model Age #3) have never been arrogant or ispired fear/hate. No wait.Just making sure no-one uses the OP to harm isn't enough. It has to be made a part of Westland life in a positive way. And the White Tower has failed in doing that, and the way they are going will do so in the future too.
Egwene is a reformer at heart, but she started too early. She needed to understand the WT much better than she did before she started to change things, as a lot of her ideas were half-baked at best. Now she understands the WT, its purpose and value a lot more. Now she needs to begin to see what's wrong with it, and how to change what's wrong. She's already started since the reunification, but she'll have to open her horizons far beyond the WT now. She knows quite a bit of the WO, but not all, and she barely knows anything of the Kin, the Windfinders, the Asha'man. It's too late for her to apprentice herself to these groups, but in a perfect world she would spend time among each of them. Before she can form a true alliance, Egwene needs to start thinking not as a WT traditional AS, but as the leader of all channellers. She has to stand as much for the WO or Windfinders as she stands for the AS. She's getting there. Already, she tends to let the Hall speak for the "old Tower" in those reunions, while herself stand above the mêlée.
Egwene's going down the road of trying not to shake anything in the fear of her own power diminishing. She's starting to overvalue the current White Tower and thinking like a 3rd Age Aes Sedai.
Stuck in Finnland!
*Spoilers From TOM* - That Criminal Binder...
19/12/2010 01:42:46 PM
Egwene already has it figured out...
19/12/2010 08:51:26 PM
I see this as a chance to break the hold of the WT on the world
19/12/2010 10:19:33 PM
Re: I see this as a chance to break the hold of the WT on the world
20/12/2010 03:28:49 AM
Your thinking is flawed
21/12/2010 10:01:05 PM