Active Users:2221 Time:19/01/2025 07:35:15 AM
The Nobles don't really have any reason to assume the Amyrlin would do that darius_sedai Send a noteboard - 20/12/2010 08:50:54 PM
Gareth Bryne was forced to stop attacking Murandy as Elaida and Siuan thought that'd be better for the world, even though it wasn't great for Andor.

Andor's lords should all get together in front of Elayne and ask her one question once she's sworn on the oath rod. "If the Amyrlin asks you to do something not in the best interests of Andor, will you refuse?". If she can't/won't straight out say yes, they should remove her as Queen. Simple as that.

Andor and Tar Valon have been closely allied for 1000 years. Why would the Nobles believe the Amyrlin would try and weaken Andor for any reason?

The situation with Morgase was more complicated than a few border raids and wasn't a widely harmful thing for Morgase to agree too ... in fact, if Siuan's man had survived to unify Murrandy, the stability would likely have helped Andor's trade. And Morgase complicity in helping the man achieve a true power bas in Murrandy would have given Andor another strong ally.
Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
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Elayne kissing Egwene's ring? - 15/12/2010 09:11:34 PM 1574 Views
Hm. Lord Agalmar was pretty subsevient to the Amyrlin in tGH. - 15/12/2010 09:39:21 PM 1076 Views
Borderlanders have great respect for Aes Sedai - 15/12/2010 09:50:25 PM 830 Views
The Amyrlin Seat is considered to rank above a monarch. - 15/12/2010 10:09:39 PM 932 Views
It's a mere mark of respect to the Amyrlin Seat (the position, not the woman) - 16/12/2010 02:01:17 AM 946 Views
Interesting points - 16/12/2010 10:41:52 AM 808 Views
Re: Interesting points - 16/12/2010 01:57:56 PM 775 Views
I disliked her actions - 16/12/2010 03:46:44 PM 728 Views
This deserves its own thread.. - 16/12/2010 08:51:05 PM 869 Views
Re: This deserves its own thread.. - 17/12/2010 02:30:21 PM 935 Views
Re: This deserves its own thread.. - 17/12/2010 04:46:28 PM 723 Views
Nice catch!! - 17/12/2010 07:09:43 PM 765 Views
Yep, unsustainable conflict of interest here. - 18/12/2010 05:44:38 AM 754 Views
I think we largely agree, but... - 17/12/2010 06:59:46 PM 754 Views
Elaida / Siuan versus Morgase springs to mind - 16/12/2010 07:00:21 AM 939 Views
Re: Elaida / Siuan versus Morgase springs to mind - 16/12/2010 07:56:41 PM 832 Views
yes, because that question is totally a yes/no question - 16/12/2010 11:49:34 PM 766 Views
What's simplicity got to do with it? - 17/12/2010 01:19:12 AM 701 Views
The Nobles don't really have any reason to assume the Amyrlin would do that - 20/12/2010 08:50:54 PM 748 Views

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