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Hmm moratcorlm Send a noteboard - 18/12/2010 01:44:02 PM
On an unrelated topic. Egwene has dreams about Mat (losing an eye), Perrin with his hammer and ones concerning Rand which have come true. But she also dreams about long lines of AS being leashed by the Seanchan - the only one not to come true so far.

Here's the full quote, from TDR25:
She had dreamed of the Seanchan, too, of women in dresses with lightning bolts woven on their breasts, collaring a long line of women who wore Great Serpent rings, forcing them to call lightning against the White Tower.
The Tower initiates captured in the raid, and any others who were scooped up on the west coast, e.g. Mylen and Pura, might constitute a long line. They could be used in the attack in AMOL. I doubt there's time for more to be captured and trained.

She has had other dreams that haven't come true yet, though. I think this is an exhaustive list:
Provisional calendar for Towers of Midnight:
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Do not, I repeat, do not re-read this book - 18/12/2010 10:23:48 AM 1464 Views
It's not actually that bad if you're not an angry, resentful, bitter person. - 18/12/2010 11:54:54 AM 726 Views
Re: It's not actually that bad if you're not an angry, resentful, bitter person. - 18/12/2010 12:11:53 PM 659 Views
Hmm - 18/12/2010 01:44:02 PM 569 Views
Re: Hmm - 18/12/2010 01:56:34 PM 681 Views
Probably - 18/12/2010 02:07:28 PM 610 Views
I never found it to be that bad. - 18/12/2010 12:23:55 PM 630 Views
Re: I never found it to be that bad. - 18/12/2010 12:38:37 PM 573 Views
It's been years since I've read it. - 18/12/2010 12:48:00 PM 653 Views
I agree about that - 18/12/2010 01:50:38 PM 692 Views
Better then EOTW, TGS or TDR?!?! - 19/12/2010 01:55:06 AM 798 Views
Re: Better then EOTW, TGS or TDR?!?! - 19/12/2010 05:57:57 AM 611 Views
Its a great book. You'd know if you stopped sniffing trolloc behind. *NM* - 18/12/2010 04:39:27 PM 376 Views
I rest my case: reading it has addled your mind *NM* - 18/12/2010 04:54:02 PM 275 Views
Hey! What'd you got against Trollocs? Their behinds smell just - 18/12/2010 06:02:29 PM 499 Views
DAMN RIGHT!!!!! *NM* - 20/12/2010 05:38:23 AM 272 Views
The Mat/Tuon stuff is some of my favorite writing in the series - 18/12/2010 09:06:51 PM 618 Views
I didn't mind Perrin the second time, but I really hated Elayne. - 19/12/2010 07:44:08 AM 601 Views
Agreed. - 20/12/2010 03:18:02 PM 603 Views
It grows on me every a fungus. - 22/12/2010 06:05:04 PM 662 Views

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