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Re: I never found it to be that bad. Cal Trask Send a noteboard - 18/12/2010 12:38:37 PM
What is it you like about it? Obviously my pre-conceptions of the book first time around haven't helped. The times my heart sank as I turned the page and saw long paragraphs and little or no dialogue.

As I've said before, a few parts could have been incorporated in to KOD, and COT would not have been required, and RJ could then have got closer to finishing the book himself. Though, I think by this point the story had gotten away from him, and Harriet and TOR appeared to be indulging his unique descriptive style and not looking at as objectively as they should.

There were and are too many characters who are given too much screen time and then disappear, either altogether or for long periods. Where is Loial? An integral character for much of the earlier books he has been all but forgotten. Masema and Aram were built up and then - almost as though he didn't know what to do with them - they were killed off. And did we really need as many POV's from Morgase as she got?
I T'was Jartreb Doorn
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Do not, I repeat, do not re-read this book - 18/12/2010 10:23:48 AM 1464 Views
It's not actually that bad if you're not an angry, resentful, bitter person. - 18/12/2010 11:54:54 AM 726 Views
Re: It's not actually that bad if you're not an angry, resentful, bitter person. - 18/12/2010 12:11:53 PM 659 Views
Hmm - 18/12/2010 01:44:02 PM 569 Views
Re: Hmm - 18/12/2010 01:56:34 PM 681 Views
Probably - 18/12/2010 02:07:28 PM 610 Views
I never found it to be that bad. - 18/12/2010 12:23:55 PM 630 Views
Re: I never found it to be that bad. - 18/12/2010 12:38:37 PM 574 Views
It's been years since I've read it. - 18/12/2010 12:48:00 PM 653 Views
I agree about that - 18/12/2010 01:50:38 PM 692 Views
Better then EOTW, TGS or TDR?!?! - 19/12/2010 01:55:06 AM 798 Views
Re: Better then EOTW, TGS or TDR?!?! - 19/12/2010 05:57:57 AM 611 Views
Its a great book. You'd know if you stopped sniffing trolloc behind. *NM* - 18/12/2010 04:39:27 PM 376 Views
I rest my case: reading it has addled your mind *NM* - 18/12/2010 04:54:02 PM 275 Views
Hey! What'd you got against Trollocs? Their behinds smell just - 18/12/2010 06:02:29 PM 500 Views
DAMN RIGHT!!!!! *NM* - 20/12/2010 05:38:23 AM 272 Views
The Mat/Tuon stuff is some of my favorite writing in the series - 18/12/2010 09:06:51 PM 618 Views
I didn't mind Perrin the second time, but I really hated Elayne. - 19/12/2010 07:44:08 AM 601 Views
Agreed. - 20/12/2010 03:18:02 PM 603 Views
It grows on me every a fungus. - 22/12/2010 06:05:04 PM 662 Views

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