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Re: It's a mere mark of respect to the Amyrlin Seat (the position, not the woman) fairfax Send a noteboard - 16/12/2010 11:36:22 PM

What Elayne meant about the Tower and Andor is that she will draw a line between the sovereignty of Andor and her powers as Queen, and the power the Amyrlin has over her as Aes Sedai. She doesn't intend to let any Amyrlin extend powers she doesn't have over Andor using the excuse that its ruler is Aes Sedai.

Elayne crossed the line in TOM far more seriously, by securing the exclusive services of the Kin for her dual monarchy, admitting the Aes Sedai will retire in the Kin eventually etc. Elayne knows all too well that the Tower considers these women bound to Tar Valon and the Amyrlin has made known her plans for the group. Elayne's plans for the Kin should really have been negotiated between her and the Amyrlin and Hall, and it would have been a heated debate as in effect Elayne intends to violate the WT tradition of neutrality, by securing the services of a group associated to the Tower for her nation. This will spark resent and jealousy among the economical rivals of Andor. As Aes Sedai, Elayne had no authority to negotiate anything like this. The Hall is likely to be extremely angry with her. They already hold a grudge over the bargain with the Seafolk, though the main fault is Egwene's, who made the mistake of granting Elayne and Nynaeve authority, not foreseeing these two could go way too far and bound the Tower to something that should really have been have been negotiated between the Seafolk and the Hall of the Tower.

As queen of Andor Elayne is certainly within her authority and rights to make a deal with the Kin. I don't believe the Kin have been incorporated into the Tower. Egwene has talked to Elayne and Nyneave about her plans to include the Kin into the Tower, but I don't recall any mention of that occuring yet. I know the Tower will accept those of the Kin who want to be apprentices. The rest of the Kin are free to do as they want.

The Tower will be in a snit, particulaly Romanda and Lelaine, but what can they do about it? Tell Elayne she can't be a real Aes Sedai, bring economic and political pressure on Elayne, go to war with Andor.

Elayne no doubt also violates Tower Law by freely giving ter'angreal to non-Aes Sedai. There's no law binding the nations to give their ter'angreal to the Tower, but diplomacy pushes them to comply with these wishes of the Tower. For AS, however, there's probably a law forbidding them from hiding or giving away Objects of the power. Elaida sure got AS flogged for hiding an angreal from the Hall.

This one is more problamatical for Elayne. Elayne is tied to the Tower either as a Aes Sedai or a Accepted. I don't know exactly what the Tower Law is. My recollection is the Tower claims all objects of power, but I don't know what the law says about the use of the objects. Does anyone know if an Aes Sedai can let someone use an object of power without the approval of the Amyrlin or the Hall?

The Hall would also have fits over the fact Elayne, openly Aes Sedai, has had women the Tower considers "wilders" (the Windfinders) use the OP openly as a weapon in her realm, by orders of her general.

The Hall can have all the fits they want but they have no authority over of the Windfinders and no authority over a monarch. Elayne was shielded and a prisoner when this happened so the Hall can't really say she should have stopped it. The Hall will have to live with it.

The Tower will have to tread lightly with Elayne. Elayne is, a powerful channeler, the ruler of two countries, has a large army, and is bearing the children of the Savior of the World. Tarmon Gaidon is coming so nothing is going to happen until that is over. When TG is over what can the Tower do?

Egwene: The Tower has decided that you allowed a non Aes Sedai to use an angreal, and you must be held into account. The Tower demands you travel to the Tar Valon and we will beat you.
Elayne: No I don't think so. My time is to valuable and I am rebuilding Andor and Cairhein.
Egwene: Ok no beating we'll let you labor hoeing weeds at an out of the way farm for 10 years.
Elayne: Ah, no. I have to raise the kids of the Savior of the World.
Rand (if he is still alive): What exactly did Elayne do?
Egwene: Elayne let her first sister, your lover and mother to your other 4 kids use an angreal. She must be punished.
Rand (Savior of the World): NO
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Elayne kissing Egwene's ring? - 15/12/2010 09:11:34 PM 1606 Views
Hm. Lord Agalmar was pretty subsevient to the Amyrlin in tGH. - 15/12/2010 09:39:21 PM 1115 Views
Borderlanders have great respect for Aes Sedai - 15/12/2010 09:50:25 PM 867 Views
The Amyrlin Seat is considered to rank above a monarch. - 15/12/2010 10:09:39 PM 972 Views
It's a mere mark of respect to the Amyrlin Seat (the position, not the woman) - 16/12/2010 02:01:17 AM 981 Views
Interesting points - 16/12/2010 10:41:52 AM 841 Views
Re: Interesting points - 16/12/2010 01:57:56 PM 810 Views
I disliked her actions - 16/12/2010 03:46:44 PM 767 Views
This deserves its own thread.. - 16/12/2010 08:51:05 PM 905 Views
Re: This deserves its own thread.. - 17/12/2010 02:30:21 PM 984 Views
Re: This deserves its own thread.. - 17/12/2010 04:46:28 PM 759 Views
Nice catch!! - 17/12/2010 07:09:43 PM 797 Views
Yep, unsustainable conflict of interest here. - 18/12/2010 05:44:38 AM 788 Views
I think we largely agree, but... - 17/12/2010 06:59:46 PM 795 Views
Re: It's a mere mark of respect to the Amyrlin Seat (the position, not the woman) - 16/12/2010 11:36:22 PM 859 Views
Elaida / Siuan versus Morgase springs to mind - 16/12/2010 07:00:21 AM 972 Views
Re: Elaida / Siuan versus Morgase springs to mind - 16/12/2010 07:56:41 PM 864 Views
yes, because that question is totally a yes/no question - 16/12/2010 11:49:34 PM 805 Views
What's simplicity got to do with it? - 17/12/2010 01:19:12 AM 735 Views
The Nobles don't really have any reason to assume the Amyrlin would do that - 20/12/2010 08:50:54 PM 782 Views

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