I am sure Elayne knows that there is no way in hell the Cairhienien nobility would accept a Whitecloak for a king.
If she was as crafty as people would have her to be, she would be able to get around that. Galad would of course have to step down as a Whitecloak, but his service with them could easily be portrayed as a step on military training, and an attempt to either infiltrate or reform the Whitecloaks to get them to fight for the light in the last battle. His strict morality is also more fit in a feudal king than Elayne's erratic, spoiled and power-hungry behavior.
Why should she? Especially in light of your view of Elayne as spoiled and power-hungry (I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, just using your own points).
Elayne is the Queen of Caemlyn. Doesn't matter how or why she got there, she's the Queen, and it seems pretty stable. Galad's off doing his own thing, and has never showed a whit of interest in becoming King of Cairhein.
Moreover... Elayne doesn't like Galad. She doesn't hate him; she's knows he's at heart, a good man. But, without even hearing her thoughts on the matter, I can tell you what she'd think of Galad as a king.
She'd think it was a terrible idea. He "always does good," so he wouldn't be able to make compromises, even if they were for the greater good. He has had no training in ruling. And besides, he's a Whitecloak!
Whether these are valid or not (though I'm inclined to agree, personally), this is what Elayne will think. It's not like Galad is the lost scion of Cairhein; she has about a strong a claim as he does.
Elayne has neither the obligation nor the inclination to put Galad on the Sun Throne.
"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness."
Serious ramblings about WOT
09/12/2010 04:10:05 AM
Re: Serious ramblings about WOT
09/12/2010 04:26:52 AM
Re: Serious ramblings about WOT
09/12/2010 04:44:47 AM
Re: Serious ramblings about WOT
09/12/2010 05:15:12 AM
Er... why should she go to such effort for Galad?
09/12/2010 03:20:31 PM
Pretty much.
10/12/2010 09:59:07 PM
Very interesting.
09/12/2010 05:50:23 AM
Oddly enough, I'd say that the WOMEN all seem to be cut from the same cloth
09/12/2010 03:10:43 PM
Oh, and a note on Sanderson: I think his WoT stuff isn't as good as his original works
09/12/2010 03:34:27 PM
Re: Oh, and a note on Sanderson: I think his WoT stuff isn't as good as his original works
09/12/2010 03:47:37 PM
Hm... I'm not sure if "simpler" is the right word for Sanderson's magic systems
09/12/2010 04:40:30 PM