Mat respects the women who give him a reason to respect them
Zeratul Send a noteboard - 09/12/2010 06:48:53 PM
Behaving like reasonable adults and treating him fairly. Birgitte and Setalle, for example.
Joline failed at this and behaved like a 10 year old, whining and trying to take command, and putting the whole group at risk, pretty much the whole time they were together, so naturally he didn't respect her. Mat tried to reason with her a number of times, she refused to listen. Teslyn behaved more reasonably so she gradually earned Mat's respect.
Sure, Mat is biased against some women, mostly Aes Sedai and nobles, but even then, if they behave fairly towards him, treat him like an adult with a capable mind of his own and not just try to boss him around, he starts to respect them in time. Tuon for example. Or Teslyn.
Even with Elayne, who he disliked quite a bit initially, due to her being a noble and the lack of thanks after he came for her in the Tear dungeon, when she started treating him better, apologized for the lack of thanks, shared information with him and used his skills, he started to respect her, despite the fact that she's both Aes Sedai and a Queen. As we see in ToM, he trusted her with the foxhead and with Dragons, and followed her suggestion on how to kill with the gholam.
He even had respect for Tylin, who pretty much raped him,
Joline failed at this and behaved like a 10 year old, whining and trying to take command, and putting the whole group at risk, pretty much the whole time they were together, so naturally he didn't respect her. Mat tried to reason with her a number of times, she refused to listen. Teslyn behaved more reasonably so she gradually earned Mat's respect.
Sure, Mat is biased against some women, mostly Aes Sedai and nobles, but even then, if they behave fairly towards him, treat him like an adult with a capable mind of his own and not just try to boss him around, he starts to respect them in time. Tuon for example. Or Teslyn.
Even with Elayne, who he disliked quite a bit initially, due to her being a noble and the lack of thanks after he came for her in the Tear dungeon, when she started treating him better, apologized for the lack of thanks, shared information with him and used his skills, he started to respect her, despite the fact that she's both Aes Sedai and a Queen. As we see in ToM, he trusted her with the foxhead and with Dragons, and followed her suggestion on how to kill with the gholam.
He even had respect for Tylin, who pretty much raped him,
This message last edited by Zeratul on 22/12/2010 at 04:25:40 PM
Serious ramblings about WOT
09/12/2010 04:10:05 AM
Re: Serious ramblings about WOT
09/12/2010 04:26:52 AM
Re: Serious ramblings about WOT
09/12/2010 04:44:47 AM
Re: Serious ramblings about WOT
09/12/2010 05:15:12 AM
Re: Serious ramblings about WOT
09/12/2010 06:40:09 AM
Mat respects the women who give him a reason to respect them
09/12/2010 06:48:53 PM
Very interesting.
09/12/2010 05:50:23 AM
Oddly enough, I'd say that the WOMEN all seem to be cut from the same cloth
09/12/2010 03:10:43 PM
Oh, and a note on Sanderson: I think his WoT stuff isn't as good as his original works
09/12/2010 03:34:27 PM
Re: Oh, and a note on Sanderson: I think his WoT stuff isn't as good as his original works
09/12/2010 03:47:37 PM
Hm... I'm not sure if "simpler" is the right word for Sanderson's magic systems
09/12/2010 04:40:30 PM