Active Users:1982 Time:05/02/2025 10:32:17 PM
Re: That's plain stupid... moratcorlm Send a noteboard - 09/12/2010 07:45:34 AM
As it is, the Damane are prisoners of war. The Randlanders choose to treat them humanely and not torture them as their prior masters used to.
At least until the time comes that Egwene raises them Aes Sedai. Given what she does to compel obedience from her oldest friend (viz., "She could barely move. Her face was streaked with tears. She had hollow memories of fleeing battles, of leaving children to die. Of never being able to do enough. Her shoulder bled. A wolf’s bite. Her legs were flayed, as if she’d walked through a long patch of thorns. All across her body were burns and blisters. [...] She retched to the side. [...] Each betrayal, each frustrating weave. The impotence, the screams of the children, the deaths of people she knew and loved. She wept against the floor, curling up. Her entire body was afire with pain. Her shoulder, legs, arms and back still bled. She was burned to blisters in swaths across her body." , a considerably worse torture than any damane has ever been shown subjected to), what do you imagine she'll do to people she's still nursing quite a grudge towards?
Provisional calendar for Towers of Midnight:
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I'm nervous. - 08/12/2010 12:55:27 AM 2111 Views
my feelings exactly - 08/12/2010 01:21:20 AM 1100 Views
Some sad news - 08/12/2010 01:42:06 AM 1296 Views
The prophesies... - 08/12/2010 01:43:32 AM 1120 Views
well regardless, we probably won't hear about it - 08/12/2010 01:51:05 AM 939 Views
Well.... - 08/12/2010 02:04:59 AM 1316 Views
Re: Well.... - 08/12/2010 04:34:45 AM 1105 Views
Aviendha's vision is utterly impossible. - 08/12/2010 03:34:05 AM 1505 Views
Hm. Well, what constitutes "saving?" - 09/12/2010 03:39:12 PM 908 Views
No. - 09/12/2010 06:32:59 PM 911 Views
It's just a story. - 08/12/2010 05:34:17 AM 937 Views
* *NM* - 08/12/2010 06:03:39 AM 481 Views
No. - 08/12/2010 09:08:40 PM 958 Views
Fuck the Aiel and the White Tower. Go Team Seanchan! - 08/12/2010 09:20:44 AM 1248 Views
Eh? - 08/12/2010 09:11:17 PM 933 Views
Peasants aren't slaves? Are you fucking kidding me? - 08/12/2010 11:32:18 PM 929 Views
yes, but the Seanchan aren't keeping their culture to themselves - 09/12/2010 12:17:36 AM 910 Views
And Randlanders aren't forcing their beliefs on others? - 09/12/2010 02:22:11 AM 873 Views
That's plain stupid... - 09/12/2010 06:41:49 AM 893 Views
Re: That's plain stupid... - 09/12/2010 07:45:34 AM 892 Views
You call it "Invasion." They call it "The Return" - 09/12/2010 08:21:00 AM 905 Views
I do. *NM* - 09/12/2010 08:24:00 AM 497 Views
Well, I don't *NM* - 09/12/2010 08:41:32 AM 460 Views
Crap alert! - 09/12/2010 01:26:37 PM 848 Views
Re: Crap alert! - 10/12/2010 01:51:42 AM 999 Views
Re: Crap alert! - 10/12/2010 02:25:25 AM 993 Views
Re: You call it "Invasion." They call it "The Return" - 09/12/2010 03:49:10 PM 802 Views
Yes, this. - 09/12/2010 07:17:52 PM 938 Views
I'd wish it on myself - 09/12/2010 07:40:34 PM 884 Views
I wouldn't necessarily object to wearing a Domination band... - 10/12/2010 08:37:48 AM 1184 Views
- 10/12/2010 07:28:09 PM 868 Views
Personally, I like Suffa better. *NM* - 10/12/2010 01:52:28 AM 476 Views
Peasants aren't slaves. - 09/12/2010 12:19:11 AM 890 Views
"But they were free men." - 09/12/2010 06:20:10 AM 752 Views
By that definition, is there any such thing as freedom? - 09/12/2010 07:32:42 AM 970 Views
Re: By that definition, is there any such thing as freedom? - 09/12/2010 07:41:23 AM 924 Views
Re: By that definition, is there any such thing as freedom? - 09/12/2010 08:23:03 AM 911 Views
Re: By that definition, is there any such thing as freedom? - 09/12/2010 09:45:14 AM 900 Views
Re: By that definition, is there any such thing as freedom? - 09/12/2010 06:39:16 PM 893 Views
Is there anything you'd like to correct about what you just said? - 09/12/2010 07:43:56 PM 922 Views
Ok. - 10/12/2010 04:57:12 AM 1023 Views
~shrugs~ I prefer using "Peasant" rather than "Serf" - 09/12/2010 08:06:19 AM 861 Views
They're really different things. - 09/12/2010 08:26:26 AM 870 Views
Not really. - 09/12/2010 08:40:32 AM 918 Views
Sure, if you insist on being wrong, it's not like I can stop you. *NM* - 09/12/2010 06:41:18 PM 438 Views
They're the same thing, you're just being anal about it. *NM* - 10/12/2010 01:42:28 AM 447 Views
If that is what you wish to believe. - 10/12/2010 05:00:46 AM 834 Views
gai'shain aren't really comparable to damane - 08/12/2010 10:02:54 PM 1026 Views
The Shaido made precedent, it's done. *NM* - 08/12/2010 11:39:09 PM 416 Views
I disagree. - 09/12/2010 07:22:36 AM 880 Views
Re: I disagree. - 09/12/2010 07:53:26 AM 781 Views
Bullshit - 09/12/2010 08:00:10 AM 865 Views
Reply to both - 09/12/2010 08:23:08 AM 1073 Views
Re: - 09/12/2010 08:36:32 AM 863 Views
Re: Re: - 10/12/2010 02:07:04 AM 1167 Views
I apologize for the "bullshit" comment. - 10/12/2010 08:16:38 AM 1491 Views
Re: Reply to both - 09/12/2010 10:03:26 AM 762 Views
Their culture was raped in the face, hard. - 10/12/2010 02:10:46 AM 1048 Views
Re: Their culture was raped in the face, hard. - 10/12/2010 08:44:27 AM 903 Views
What kind of reasoning is this? - 09/12/2010 08:29:15 AM 717 Views
Eh? *NM* - 09/12/2010 08:43:01 AM 369 Views
At least the Aiel v. Seanchan question is answered. - 09/12/2010 02:46:02 AM 1544 Views
I actually think her vision will prevent Rand from Bowing to Tuon - 09/12/2010 04:53:25 PM 876 Views
I hope that this is what happens. - 09/12/2010 07:22:59 PM 930 Views
I think it's a case of what might, not must, be. - 11/12/2010 03:41:36 AM 890 Views

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