Active Users:383 Time:05/10/2024 02:40:42 AM
I disagree - Edit 1

Before modification by redqueen at 06/12/2010 02:30:07 PM

Firstly I don't think that the oaths make a promise binding. What they do is to make sure that when the promice is being made the Aes Sedai making it believes she will keep the promice. She can always change her mind.

The first Oath means you cannot lie, and if you make a promise, and then break it, you have lied. I don't think an Aes Sedai is capable of that.

Seconldy you seem to be suggesting Redqueen that Elaida should take one for the team and sacrafice herself to keep traveling out of the hands of the Seanchan and if possible take out a few of them with her. With another Aes Sedai that would be quite reasonable but in Elaida's eyes she is the team. What is good for her is good for the Tower.

Lastly I doubt if Elaida is fully broken yet, her outburst certainly suggest that she has a bit to go but Elaida is the very epitamy of hard versus strong. Elaida is hard and hence very fragile as opposed to strong. Take away all her authority, put her in a position where even the lowest servant does not give a damn about her opinion on anything and I could see her starting to crack very easily.

You're quite right. Elaida is one of the most egocentric characters in the series, moreso than some of the Forsaken, even. But I disagree with you that she is fragile. I think Elaida will hold out surprisingly long, first out of resentment at her new status, and later on out of pride. Even if they break her, she'll be like Alivia - she'll snap back to herself if she's ever freed.

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