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Re: Strenght of the two angreal. Watcher Send a noteboard - 06/12/2010 01:33:21 PM
The two Angreal are similar but I doubt if they are the same. The one Moiraine has now is very strong almost a sa'angreal. I could be wrong here but the one she had before was not that strong.

If they were the same Lanfear + angreal -v- Moiraine + very strong angreal + Rand and angreal does not stack up as being a fair fight.

I believe that RJ said that things were mass produced in the War which led to the flaw in Callandor. It stands to reason that if both sides were trying to churn out angreal as fast as possible they could easily use the same phycical template for several different version giving several different strenght angreal that all look roughtly the same.
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Moiraine's angreal - 02/12/2010 07:36:24 PM 1435 Views
No mistake. It's a figure of an acrobat bent backwards with "his" hands bound to "his" feet. - 02/12/2010 08:05:45 PM 853 Views
Re: No mistake. It's a figure of an acrobat bent backwards with "his" hands bound to "his" feet. - 02/12/2010 11:07:50 PM 755 Views
Page 893 of TFoH. Hope that clears things up. *NM* - 03/12/2010 03:12:17 AM 655 Views
Jack @$$ *NM* - 03/12/2010 04:07:40 AM 293 Views
heehee *NM* - 03/12/2010 04:13:28 AM 284 Views
Messed up - 03/12/2010 05:48:28 AM 692 Views
Re: heehee - 03/12/2010 05:48:36 AM 617 Views
Re: heehee - 03/12/2010 02:02:33 PM 542 Views
Re: heehee - 03/12/2010 02:31:55 PM 602 Views
could be a transvestite *NM* - 03/12/2010 05:56:23 AM 282 Views
here's the quote for you - 05/12/2010 04:19:22 PM 656 Views
Re: Moiraine's angreal - 04/12/2010 09:10:10 PM 733 Views
I always assumed it was an angreal made by someone on team evil - 04/12/2010 09:49:37 PM 632 Views
maybe what happened to her was her Price? - 05/12/2010 09:40:26 AM 605 Views
I don't think so from her statements later - 05/12/2010 03:19:02 PM 620 Views
No, I don't mean that she knew that would happen. - 05/12/2010 05:55:35 PM 729 Views
Re: Strenght of the two angreal. - 06/12/2010 01:33:21 PM 610 Views
Ahhh. see my first impression was that they were different as well.. - 06/12/2010 02:05:33 PM 582 Views
Well that's obviously Brandon butchered the book... </sarcasm> *NM* - 06/12/2010 05:36:44 PM 292 Views

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