Don't mistake Wilders with women like Sharina
darius_sedai Send a noteboard - 05/12/2010 04:27:45 PM
"Peculiar servants you found by the side of the road," Berelain said in tones of mock sympathy at her side, and Faile gave a start. She had not heard the woman come up behind her. Lini and the others were walking toward the carts, Lini shaking a finger at Maighdin, and Berelain shifted her gaze from Faile to them. She kept her voice low, but the mocking tone remained. "The oldest at least seems to know her duties instead of simply having heard about them, but Annoura tells me the youngest is a wilder. Very weak, Annoura says, negligible, but wilders always cause problems. The others will carry tales about her, if they know, and sooner or later, she will run away. Wilders always do, I hear. That’s what comes of picking up your maids like stray dogs."
Berelain sounds like she's just repeating Annoura's opinion at second-hand, although it's possible that the nobility shares the AS dislike of wilders. But among the common people, I don't recall seeing any examples of commoners disliking wilders, aside from Tear and Amadicia. Which are remarked upon for their dislike of channeling, which implies that channeling is accepted most other places. Often wilders are given honored places in society such as wisdoms, and even more often, nobody even knows they're a wilder at all.
Wilders can and do Channel and likely Berelain's assessment is quite accurate since they will also slow and live very long lives because of it ... thus they tend to run off before people notice too much, once people start noticing that someone is different than the others they will start ostracizing them. It's basic human behavior. Fear of what they do not understand.
Women like Sharina, who have the latent gene don't actually manifest, never touch the Source and never Slow, but there seems to be a predisposition that leads them to become Wisdoms etc.
Nynaeve is the only example we have of a true Wilder who was a Wisdom and even she was likely to run off at some point, else why train Egwene to replace her as Wisdom?
Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
/ Theory - Decline in the number of chanellers
01/12/2010 02:24:23 PM
not that I disagree with you, but it is possible to breed out a recessive gene.
01/12/2010 08:38:02 PM
Re: / Theory - Decline in the number of chanellers
01/12/2010 09:14:48 PM
Thank god for that
01/12/2010 09:35:22 PM
Channeling could also be used in repair/reclamation projects. That stuff tends to even out.
02/12/2010 08:21:28 PM
you'd think the Seanchan would have even lower numbers of channellers
02/12/2010 05:13:36 PM
yes and no
04/12/2010 02:20:13 PM
Re: yes and no
04/12/2010 03:06:10 PM
Not so, common folk don't trust Wilders either...
04/12/2010 03:16:40 PM
Re: Not so, common folk don't trust Wilders either...
05/12/2010 04:17:40 PM
Don't mistake Wilders with women like Sharina
05/12/2010 04:27:45 PM