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Re: So, what were your top 5 ToM scenes? RugbyPlayingAshaman Send a noteboard - 02/12/2010 05:16:49 PM
1. BuddhaRand blasting the massive army of Shadowspawn with shards of ice and flames. As nerdy as it sounds I was glad we saw the re-appearance of attack weaves using Water, and it reminded me of WoTMUD's 'ice spikes' weaves. I also was reminded me how RJ used to describe the Power - glows and environmental effects versus "she or he wove just so and x and x happened".
2. Egwene fighting the Black Ajah and Mesaana. I loved the moment where Siuan appears with a singed dress and says "We need you mother! They didn't come to spy on us - they attacked!" and Egwene tells the Wise Ones "A Shadowsouled is here. I will fight." The moment when the Wise Ones looked at each other and agreed to go with her was a great moment for me, as well.
3. Nynaeve's testing and her standing up to the White Tower Aes Sedai to claim her place was great. I definitely liked how Egwene tested her resolve and then agreed with and stood up for her, as well.
4. Mat's battle with the gholam was cool, even though the skimming part, the one with the giant book platform, was a little rushed and tacky. I liked how they set up the lanterns, and how he used the fake medallions - it felt like a martial arts movie!
5. I know a lot of people don't share this, but the Elayne battle in the prisons really caught my imagination even if it was ill-conceived, especially given what Thom said about her and Gawyns' weakness inherited from her mother. The whole 'battle of wills via walls of Air' and then fighting off the Black Ajah and Mellar. It was a pretty exciting scene. Honestly, though, how many times must she be in this situation before she learns anything? It looks like she learned something this time, but apparently she leaves the city just in time for it to be attacked. She needs to stick with Mat because her luck leaves a lot to be desired.
"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness."
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So, what were your top 5 ToM scenes? - 29/11/2010 02:59:19 AM 1936 Views
Re: So, what were your top 5 ToM scenes? - 29/11/2010 04:10:14 AM 883 Views
I cracked up... - 29/11/2010 07:31:44 AM 846 Views
It wasn't stupid at all. - 29/11/2010 07:39:14 AM 776 Views
Re: It wasn't stupid at all. - 29/11/2010 10:17:14 AM 740 Views
So blindly voting is not stupid? - 29/11/2010 08:22:50 PM 583 Views
Re: So blindly voting is not stupid? - 29/11/2010 11:21:26 PM 606 Views
Agreed - 30/11/2010 02:13:42 PM 539 Views
My top 5 - 30/11/2010 02:04:59 PM 661 Views
How did Tarasin Telaron die. (Or whatever her name was). - 30/11/2010 04:48:43 PM 709 Views
My thoughts - 30/11/2010 05:09:18 PM 792 Views
Re: So, what were your top 5 ToM scenes? - 01/12/2010 12:02:55 AM 921 Views
Re: So, what were your top 5 ToM scenes? - 02/12/2010 05:16:49 PM 724 Views

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