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Re: / Theory - Decline in the number of chanellers Cannoli Send a noteboard - 01/12/2010 09:14:48 PM
The supposed reduction in numbers of channellers frequently discussed, by Aes Sedai, in the early books is a fallacy.

It is caused by the aloofness of Aes Sedai in general and the isolationist polices of the white tower in general.
What policies are those? Their participation in the affairs of almost every nation or group of people?

Combined with the growing recruiting and training activities of the Kin this has resulted in a fall in the number of girls arriving in Tar Valon.
How do you mean? The Kin only recruit women who have already been to Tar Valon. Everyone in the Kin has been to the Tower first, and the idea that they might recruit wilders is scorned by their leaders. Their activity has had no affect on who arrives in Tar Valon, unless you mean their removal from the breeding pool reduces the numbers who might go to Tar Valon - but you appear to reject that below.

The theory put forward by the tower that it is being bred out of the human race is not valid. It is put forward by Aes Sedai with a poor understanding of genetics. Even a recesive gene, like channeling or red hair, or blue eyes, will be carried by the siblings of channellers as well as channellers themselves. The breed out theory therefore falls.
Actually, the causes you suggest instead of the breed out theory are causes as a part of the that same theory. The Tower's isolation from humanity reduces their numbers because they don't marry and have children as the other channeling groups do (sul'dam seem to be in the breeding population in Seanchan). The Kin's "activity" of imitating the Tower and abstaining from marriage also contribute to this decline of breeding, and RJ himself as stated in a QotW post that the ability IS being bred out. While there are vast numbers that the Tower had not tapped when the story started, according to RJ, the numbers that do occur in the population are still less.

When the White Tower and the Black Tower started recruiting in earnest they were both able to find in the region of 1400 channellers in a matter of months. This is the ultimate nail in the coffin for the breed out theory.

1400 out of how many millions they should find? If there are 10 million people in the wetlands, there should be at least 300,000 channelers. The Towers combined, along with the Kin and various rare wilders and the extrapolated numbers from their recruiting do not suggest nearly that amount. While you are right that they are not recruiting to their full potential, the numbers that should be occurring naturally are still too small. At one time, their passive approach to recruiting and restrictive age limits was sufficient to get the numbers they needed, but the channeling population has since declined, so the numbers and strength that wandered into their nets are no longer matching what they did in the past.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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/ Theory - Decline in the number of chanellers - 01/12/2010 02:24:23 PM 1203 Views
Numbers - 01/12/2010 04:09:02 PM 706 Views
Re: / Theory - Decline in the number of chanellers - 01/12/2010 07:55:42 PM 1080 Views
Re: / Theory - Decline in the number of chanellers - 01/12/2010 09:14:48 PM 950 Views
Thank god for that - 01/12/2010 09:35:22 PM 728 Views
Partly correct. - 02/12/2010 04:40:13 PM 788 Views
Why do we have stronger channelers now? - 02/12/2010 04:50:18 PM 636 Views
you'd think the Seanchan would have even lower numbers of channellers - 02/12/2010 05:13:36 PM 697 Views
Maybe over time - 02/12/2010 07:24:08 PM 556 Views
The consolidation only ended (relatively) recently though - 03/12/2010 02:49:22 AM 668 Views
yes and no - 04/12/2010 02:20:13 PM 661 Views
Re: yes and no - 04/12/2010 03:06:10 PM 619 Views
Not so, common folk don't trust Wilders either... - 04/12/2010 03:16:40 PM 766 Views
Re: Not so, common folk don't trust Wilders either... - 05/12/2010 04:17:40 PM 611 Views
Don't mistake Wilders with women like Sharina - 05/12/2010 04:27:45 PM 637 Views
Re: Don't mistake Wilders with women like Sharina - 06/12/2010 04:23:52 PM 554 Views
none of the others could actively channel. - 06/12/2010 04:34:31 PM 787 Views

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