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My top 5 Taer Send a noteboard - 30/11/2010 02:04:59 PM
Tough to choose, because there were many scenes that I loved or that were just downright satisfying to finally read. I'd go with the following:

1. Mat exiting the Tower of Genjei with a flourish.

2. Mat kicking the gholam into the void.

3. Ituralde meeting with Bashere.

4. Galad finally exposing Morgase.

5. Gawyn fighting off the Seanchean assassins.
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So, what were your top 5 ToM scenes? - 29/11/2010 02:59:19 AM 1936 Views
Re: So, what were your top 5 ToM scenes? - 29/11/2010 04:10:14 AM 884 Views
I cracked up... - 29/11/2010 07:31:44 AM 846 Views
It wasn't stupid at all. - 29/11/2010 07:39:14 AM 776 Views
Re: It wasn't stupid at all. - 29/11/2010 10:17:14 AM 740 Views
So blindly voting is not stupid? - 29/11/2010 08:22:50 PM 583 Views
Re: So blindly voting is not stupid? - 29/11/2010 11:21:26 PM 606 Views
Agreed - 30/11/2010 02:13:42 PM 539 Views
My top 5 - 30/11/2010 02:04:59 PM 662 Views
How did Tarasin Telaron die. (Or whatever her name was). - 30/11/2010 04:48:43 PM 709 Views
My thoughts - 30/11/2010 05:09:18 PM 792 Views
Re: So, what were your top 5 ToM scenes? - 01/12/2010 12:02:55 AM 921 Views
Re: So, what were your top 5 ToM scenes? - 02/12/2010 05:16:49 PM 724 Views

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