Re: Demandred - could his name mean "Lord of the Evening" as parody to Lord of the Morning?
Datakim Send a noteboard - 28/11/2010 11:02:22 PM
Firstly, the little bit about Demandred forming the 80 and 1 during the War of Power was very interesting. This seemed to add another link to his attempts to counter and better Lews Therin at every turn.
I wonder more about what this was about actually. The obvious answer is that it is a counter for the hundred companions. However I wonder if that makes sense. Having a group like the hundred companions among the forces of light makes sense, since discounting any darkfriend spies, the forces of light were basically united in purpose and trusted each other.
The forces of shadow on the other hand are basically a selfish lot who fight with each other almost as much as they do with the light, and who don't trust each other at all. If we assume that Eighty and One were actually eighty channelers that followed Demandred, then I wonder how he was able to guarantee that some amongst them would not try to stab him in the back and kill him in some battle or other in an effort to take his position. Did he use compulsion or the binding rod or something?
Sanderson provided a VERY interesting tidbit on twitter:
Question - How often does Demandred contemplate killing Moridin?
Brandon Sanderson: Less than the other Chosen. He is focused on Rand. He contemplates Moridin, but mostly he wants Rand.
He may hate Rand/LTT, but that does not mean he would not kill Moridin if he had the chance. We see this from his POV in Winter's Heart, when he plans to kill Moridin in a way that prevents the DO from bringing him back.
Just because Rand is his primary objective, does not lessen that becoming Naeb'lis by killing Moridin was most certainly something he intended. It is actually rather interesting, that Demandred does not desire Moridin dead nearly as much as Rand. Afterall, the reason he hates LTT is because he was always just a little bit weaker and less in status. And now we have Moridin, who is Naeb'lis while Demandred is not. One would think that he would feel the same kind of jealousy toward Moridin, as he does towards LTT.
In a nutshell it has been argued that most of Moridin's manipulations of Graendal and Mesaana were aimed at weakening Demandred, who was seen as his direct rival for power amongst the Chosen. Apparently everything from Graendal choosing the setting of the meeting in KoD (the Ansaline Gardens, if I recall), to Mesaana's humiliation and the refusal to rescue Semirhage was all part of a grand plot by Moridin because he knew Demandred was his biggest rival.
As it turns out, Demandred was hardly thinking of Moridin as anything more than an annoyance, with his main focus always being on Lews Therin. If Moridin was indeed wasting all of this time and effort to prevent Demandred and his cronies (Semirhage and Mesaana) from overthrowing Moridin's gang, then he was expending his effort needlessly.
Hardly an annoyance. Like I said above, Demandred may want Rand most of all, but he wants Moridin dead too. I see no reason why Demandred could not have several different plans going on at the same time against BOTH Rand and Moridin. The fact that Rand's death would give him greater pleasure of the two, would not make Moridin any less dead if Demandred had his way.
In fact, I am at this point contemplating whether Demandred might not be the " Lord of the Evening" whose arrival is imminent according to the Dark Prophecy - given that this is such an obvious counterpoint to Lews Therin, who is the Lord of the Morning.
I have decided that this is probably not the case, unless the prophecy is particularly obscure, seeing as this Lord of the Evening will apparently be the ONLY one worshipped by the Darkfriends, according to the prophecy. It therefore has to be the Dark One himself. But Demandred's big move might well be a large part of what heralds the arrival of the Lord of the Evening.
DomA and I had a discussion about this actually. I think Lord of the Evening refers to Moridin. Basically, I speculate that Rand may have truly become a true Lord of the Morning now that he has been "blessed" with power by the light/Creator. We see this in the many abilities he demonstrates in ToM, most importantly the fact that whereever he goes, the darkness(night) caused by the DO's clouds is driven away by Rand(morning), bringing in the sun(day).
However since Rand/Lord of the Morning is merely a champion/avatar/whatever of the Creator, it makes sense that his opposite, Lord of the Evening would equally be a human, except one imbued with power by the Dark One instead of the Creator. I think this refers to Moridin. I think when Rand breaks the seals, the DO gains the power to do something to Moridin, perhaps giving him powers similar to Rand's, except opposite. Moridin could for example worsen the decay of food around him, and also thicken the DO's clouds and causing full darkness to set in (evening) wherever he goes.
There are lot of potential foreshadowing of this. Ishamael has been claiming for a long time that this conflict between Creator and the DO using human surrogates has been happening for a long time. Maybe it turns out that for once, Ishy was right. There is also the link between Rand and Moridin, which further connects them and makes Moridin as LotE make sense.
Demandred is a dangerous opponent to Rand, but I think right now, of the forsaken, it is Moridin who poses the greatest threat to Rand, Moridin is the one who is most loyal to the DO and fully supports his philosophy, which is 100% opposed to Rand/Creator. As Verin thought, I think the last battle will happen on several levels, and one of them being a more spiritual fight. Moridin is a far better candidate for this fight than Demandred is. Demandred is more likely to be the military leader of the shadow, with a role more like Mat's, rather than the prophecied Lord of the Evening that counters Rand.
In any case, Demandred has outlasted all of the Forsaken. Every last one that has not yet died, has failed miserably on more than one occassion - including Ishamael himself.
True, but that could arguably be said to be because Demandred has not actually fought Rand or done anything else of any importance that we can see. If you don't take any risks, you obviously won't fail, but you wont succeed either.
Demandred is the last one with a chance to redeem the Forsaken - even if only in a small way, and of course, only temporarily.
Yeah. I hope Demandred does manage to do something major. We have been waiting for so long that if Demandred is a flop, it will be a huge disappointment.
I have the hope that his "Let the Lord of Chaos Rule" plan from the opening scene in LoC is STILL operational, and will come into full fruition when the Seals are broken.
It is likely that Lord of Chaos was Rand. Thanks to his epiphany at Dragonmount, he has obviously changed enough for the better that the title does not apply anymore. Depending on what Demandred has going on, Rand's moment of enlightenment might potentially be screwing Demandreds plots.
In any case, I can now predict without a shadow of a doubt that Demandred's plan WILL be revealed in the next book!
Hehehe, maybe that is the big secret. It turns out Demandred has no plan and never did! He was bluffing all along!
Demandred - could his name mean "Lord of the Evening" as parody to Lord of the Morning?
28/11/2010 09:17:45 PM
- 1725 Views sorta has to be.
28/11/2010 10:30:00 PM
Guess you didn't get the tongue in the cheek part of my concluding sentence, then... *NM*
28/11/2010 10:33:24 PM
Re: Demandred - could his name mean "Lord of the Evening" as parody to Lord of the Morning?
28/11/2010 11:02:22 PM
well no
29/11/2010 09:00:12 AM