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Re: My take on the Pride Datakim Send a noteboard - 28/11/2010 10:00:42 PM

(snip cool Eldrene theory)

This is an interesting idea. I always accepted the story and just thought she did something like LTT did, that is to say overchanneled the OP to go out in a blaze of glory. But your theory makes a lot of sense. I wonder if this is something that might be worth asking BS.

Anyway... the Band may indeed be a "red herring" of a sort. Actually, a good chunk of it have become Elayne's "severed hand, not hers". They went to Caihien with her, and seemingly they and she then left for Rand's meeting (though I don't think it's 100% certain Elayne has not returned to Caemlyn after claiming the Sun Throne, and planned to regroup with the Andoran forces before they all go north.... but perhaps the book said otherwise and I don't recall the details) .

At the end of the book, we see Elayne arrive at the meeting shortly before Rand does. Egwene sees Elayne suddenly look at Perrin's camp when the clouds part, and realises that Rand has arrived and Elayne felt it through the bond. Perrin too thinks in his POV, that Rand has come and will face Egwene the following day. So it is very likely that Elayne will be at the meeting, and will not be at Caemlyn when the trollocs invade. Unless ofcourse I am confused about the timeline and the meeting and the trolloc attack are not happening approximately around the same time.

I wouldn't be surprised Elayne is still in Caemlyn. Otherwise, there's an important missing element to the whole "Manetheren replay".

As mentioned above, Elayne is with Egwene at the meeting with Rand. Her mother is there too, Gawyn sees her and is overjoyed to find that Morgase lives.

(Snip Elayne&Egwene)

My hunch is this:

I don't know if Rand's meeting will take place or not. Oh... at some point no doubt it will, but I'm not convinced either way it will happen on the day he planned.

I think it pretty much has to take part now. Rand has arrived and is with Perrin in his camp (Perrin's POV) and is going to confront Egwene. The armies are all there, everyone is there, and Rand's POV makes it clear that he is serious about the meeting. It would take something pretty big to disrupt it now. I suppose news from Caemlyn about the trollocs or an attack by Seanchan would do it.

I think there are also attacks ongoing on Tear, Illian, Cairhien.. Demandred is moving to capture all Rand's bases at once) comes at the end of the meeting.

Possible. I wonder how the shadow managed to break through the waygates protections? If Demandred can break through whatever wards Rand has placed, then all the gates are vulnerable and a simultaneous attack like you suggest is possible.

Egwene is an unknown. Perhaps the Tower foolishly pulls a Fateful Concord, and has left the meeting, hoping this will delay Rand and make him rethink his decision. In this case, I guess they would bump into the Seanchan attack, returning to Tar Valon, and this eventually turns into the Seanchan/Egwene "we must help each other" alliance.

Again, the end of the book tells us that Egwene is planning to meet with Rand and confront him. Besides, this would not make all that much sense anyway given Egwenes thoughts. If Egwene would not go, then Rand would break the seals for certain is what she would be thinking.

I still think this might come out of facing a massive attack on Tar Valon by the Shadow together, and only together the two sides stand a chance to survive this. Rand and Mat might rush back to Andor, to deal with the BT.

I am not sure how the shadow would arrange such a massive attack? Through the Tar Valon waygate? How well is that guarded btw? I mean if the forsaken managed to break through protections placed by Rand when he was already merging with LTT, then it seems probable that they could certainly break the one at TV.

At the BT, the final events would happen, the last lighsiders dealt with (and if some escape, they will then). Then Demandred strikes everywhere at once. Caemlyn, Tear, Illian and Cairhien fall. Elayne is assieged in her palace with the Band and Mat. Rand's forces are forced to fight where they are. Cadsuane's group and many Asha'man are under siege in the Stone, where Min must be protected because of her bond, and Cadsuane mustn't die before revealing where she's sent Callandor....

This would actually be pretty cool, though in truth I suspect that Demandred will not be as competent as you hope. I suspect there probably won't the be the kind of allout war that will lead to the shadow and demandred conquering all the way you suggest. Though I do admit that having a really competent forsaken and a real show that the shadow is an immense threat would be fun, before the end.

I should also mention that Cadsuane got Callandor from wherever she had sent it and gave it to Rand for his meeting with the borderlanders. What happened to the thing afterwards is unknown, but it seems probable that Rand will have kept it to himself rather than giving it back, so Cadsuane can die if need be.

Perhaps Rand fights there at the beginning. Cairhien is swallowed undefended, the group of Asha'man near Illian engages the Shadow there.

Rand is a potential wildcard in the whole Caemlyn attack. If he could do at Caemlyn what he did at Maradon, drawing on the light for extra power or something, then the city might be saved. The problem is that Rand felt that what he did was dangerous. If he tries to do this again to save Elaynes city, then it could lead into disaster.

I could see things going somewhat this way for one reason: Rand's reasoning for Breaking the seals in one month is that they've waited too long already, that they let the Shadow become too powerful and wage a war of attrition, weakening the Light gradually to the point soon it will be too late and the world won't be able to face the LB. He also knows his epiphany signals a modest turn of the tide and given enough time and freedom he could undo some of the chaos. He thus knows he's on a schedule, and he must unite the world "as one" very fast, because the Shadow won't let the Light recuperate under "new Rand" for very long. Thus the breaking of the seals, to force the Shadow into the Last Battle, at Rand's time and place. Rand said one month, because he knows when he does this, he will have to strike at Shayol Ghul right after, and for now he doesn't have a plan. He suspects he will need the female channellers' support, and certainly Nynaeve and another woman (who seems to be Alivia, rather obviously).

I made another post about this. As far as we know from the book, Rand does not yet fully know what he is supposed to do or what role Callandor is destined to play the day he meets with the borderlanders. And we know that this was one day before the planned meeting and the breaking of the seals. In other words, I wonder how he can go straight to Shayol Ghul from the meeting, when he does not know what the heck he is supposed to be doing.

I also wonder how the attack to SG will happen. Will Rand just travel there after breaking the seals, with maybe a small force? Hmm. I wonder why the dreamspike is not at at SG actually, to prevent Rand from just traveling straight there. For that matter, all the forsaken likely know how to block traveling, so why is it that the SG and the inner blight is not full of wards to keep Rand from traveling there. Maybe it is actually, that might explain the need for all the armies and dragons and such. If Rand cannot travel to SG directly, he will need to go there the oldfashioned way, by walking.

If must say I find it most curious that Rand with all the memories of LTT isn't wondering more about Demandred. This makes me wonder if LTT doesn't per chance have kept a few aces up his sleeve and not at all forgotten Demandred, if his meeting to break the seals isn't a decoy. Oh, he would have broken the seals if the Shadow didn't react as he thought it would, but by launching TG, the Shadow has already done what Rand wished to accomplish by breaking the seals... it has committed itself to the field, with the assurance that Rand would break the seals and thus make Shai'tan all the more powerful... and admitting he has no plan to seal the Bore yet.

We know from Rand's POV that he intends to break the seals, no matter what happens at the meeting. So the seal thing was not a clever decoy unfortunately. Beyond that, I too wonder why it is that now that Rand has gained LTT's memories of not just Demandred, but everything, he has not done more to take advantage of it.

For example, there are all those ter'angreal from Rhuidean sitting in those wagons. Since Rand can now recognize ter'angreal by sight (he does it to most of Cadsuanes) one would presume that he would be able to do the same to many/most of the ter'angreal in his control. Who knows what kind of incredibly usefull devices there might be in those places. Several more dreamspikes perhaps? Protective ter'angreals like the ones Cadsuane&Nynaeve have. Rand even says that as LTT he WORE a "paralis-net" like that so we know he is willing to take advantage of ter'angreal to aid him in combat.

What exactly did the new and improved Rand/LTT even do in that month? Maradon, Bandar Eban and the meeting with the borderlanders are the major things that come to mind. He did not even bother to deal with the Black Tower which might result in its fall. What the heck was Rand doing?!? I really hope the reason we did not see Rand doing anything, was because he has something really great planned. If not, if the supposedly "greatest man of an age" basically accomplished only what we have seen in ToM, then I will be really disappointed.

Rand is telling the truth: the LB had to start soon. Announcing he would break the seals and on which day exactly accomplished that. Now, what remains to be seen is if Rand truly intends to break the seals

Yes, confirmed by his POV. You should re-read the end of the book.

Since it appears the Shadow took the bait, I'm no longer sure the time is good to break the seals, with the Shadow ready for this and expecting Rand's strike.

This is something that really bugs me about Rand. Why is he so gungho about breaking the seals without a proper plan in place. That will only make things worse until he DOES have a plan. Maybe he will learn of the Caemlyn attack, and change his intentions to break the seals, but right now atleast Rand is utterly committed to breaking them.

I think Mat might indeed lose enough of the Band to be unable to even delude himself that his role is to lead them in the LB, and to sound the Horn. There's much more to it than that, as Mat will discover.

Yeah, I think it possible that Rand may hand over full command of all his forces to Mat. That would leave Rand free to basically deal the more spiritual/metaphysical struggle with the DO and Moridin/Shaidar Haran, while Mat will take care of the more mundane armies. I wonder what Perrin is meant to do though?

"New Rand" is walking the earth as the flesh and blood proof that the Creator has not abandoned Creation. Rand himself is his divine intervention into the upcoming battle. Whether this makes Rand some sort of avatar, whether some of the Creator's will is impressed in him in a fashion similar to what Shai'tan has done with Shaidar Haran is debatable.

Rand's current status is unclear, and I think it was intentionally left that way since we only had one very short POV from him. I hope we get a bit more of Rand's thoughts in the final book.

I think the BT is a permanent goner, for myself. It was a bad idea in the first place.

I think Logain's glory will come from being the first male Aes Sedai of the Age. He won't lead the BT, he will put an end to it. I think this is what Egwene's dream of it is about: the pretense that the BT is Rand's creation will be dispelled (that's the paper Rand) and Logain will destroy the BT and his men will return to the group to which they rightly belong: the Aes Sedai. By doing that, the Guardians will bring balance to the Servants, who lacks it now because their male half is missing.

Maybe. I am not so sure. For one, I don't think there is enough time left for men to join the Aes Sedai, nor I think enough trust in the world yet. It would feel just a bit strange to me if BT falls, and the survivors who most Aes Sedai are terrified off thanks to their status as male channelers, decide to suddenly become part of the WT. If the BT falls, I think it far more likely that the men would go elsewhere to build a new BT.

Even Tel'aran'rhiod anticipates the moment. Egwene's rose window in the Hall already has the full Aes Sedai symbol in TAR.

Not the full AS symbol, but rather the dragons fang below and separate of the Flame of Tar Valon. If the flame represents saidar, and the fang saidin, then if anything, the TAR moment suggests that the two sides will remain separate of each other, though the fact that both were there likely means that they will be working together. Or perhaps balancing each other, BT and WT.

I agree if Mat is in Caemlyn Rand would quite possibly learn of the battle through him. Between Pevara/Androl, Mat, possibly Elayne or Aviendha, Kinswomen who can Travel, Windfinders etc. there's just too many possibilities to be sure. The core of the Light's leaders will learn of the battle(s) before it's over. The opposite would be surprising, unless it's all over really fast. It looks ugly, I must say. The Shadowspawn are in the city already, the people are all around and the city is bursting at the seams. A great deal of armies are around the city, not inside and between them and the Shadowspawn is the recently expanding Low Caemlyn. More narrow streets and more people (and wooden shanties... the Shadow just has to light fire to Low Caemlyn to keep the armies at bay a while...) Taim's out there a few leagues away, with mix gender circles. If he starts attacking the armies of mercenaries and those of the nobles... It will get ugly, there's little doubt.

One thing that comes to mind, is that when Rand attacked the trollocs in Maradon, the fortificatins were left essentially unharmed. I speculated elsewhere that maybe if Rand somehow drew on light/creator for extra power (which would explain the fact that he glowed and the fact that the darkfriends went mad in the vicinity), then that power could only be used to hurt things of the shadow, and that is why Rand's attacks did not hurt the fortifications. If so, he might be able to replicate that at Caemlyn, and basically use weaves of mass destruction in the city against the trollocs, without actually blowing up the city and its people in the process.

One point: I don't think Rand cares so much for "support". If his plans are what the Wheel wills and needs, then Rand will have his way. Announcing his intent to Egwene was the "right path" of action, and the no one in the Hall of the Tower could open her mouth to interfere in this conversation between Rand and Egwene. Only these two had free will, everybody else was silenced by the powerful web of destiny. Egwene's opposition has a greater purpose, or she would have been silenced the same way.

The support I meant was less political or military support, but rather the support of an old childhood friend and more importantly, a fellow ta'veren.

The bottom line remains: Rand has the seals and he can break them, he stands a fair chance to gain the support of at least one group of female channellers in the lot and one of his purposes when announcing his plan to Egwene was to have her help spreading the word that the Light has a month to mobilize.

Yep. If Callandor is used as implied (Though I suspect not), then Rand already has more than enough channelers. He also has the Wise Ones, and many AS loyal to him. Egwene is not really in the position to rob Rand of all female channelers, no matter what.

Mat also has to go to Tar Valon, and Moiraine wants to go to Rand and the Fields is where Rand will soon be. So it's not so likely Mat is planning to go to Caemlyn, unless as I said he drops Moiraine with Perrin, goes to the Tower to retrieve the Horn and arranges for the Band to be brought to the Fields.

Yep. Whether Mat will be caught in the Caemlyn attack really depends on whether Grady takes him and Moiraine straight to Rand.

I think Rand really has to let the Wheel fix this up, contenting himself with serving it as ta'veren on this. If a post TG world war is to be averted, it's not a truce which is needed, it's a more permanent resolution that will see the Seanchan and the channellers stop being enemies. He also sees himself as Aes Sedai again, Servant of All. What's admitting he also serves the Crystal Throne to a Servant of All?

I think the potential problem is the political implications of submitting to the Seanchan. He could lose support/trust in his own allies, which could be very bad if he is supposed to be a symbol for them against the DO. Unless Rand somehow manages to kneel to Tuon without giving the appearance of being her inferior, and I don't know how that would work.

I mean sure, as a Servant of All Rand might be serving the Seanchan too, but somehow I doubt his followers would be satisfied if he explains actually kneeling to Tuon with that.

Not calling back Cadsuane makes perfect sense to me actually. First of all, do you really think Cadsuane would have obeyed and left Rand now? I really doubt it, and odds are that Egwene (or Siuan) would have seen that. Given Egwenes situation, giving orders that she knows are going to be disobeyed would be unwise.

Except Egwene knew none of this. Well, Siuan and co. could have told her Cadsuane is headstrong and usually have her way, but even if she didn't dare order those sisters to return with Nynaeve to the Tower, it's still a bit odd that Egwene has not made contact with the sisters who stand the best chance to be able to infliuence Rand... Nynaeve even told her Rand was in "Cadsuane's hands" and she didn't like leaving with only her. There's also the fact Siuan has told Egwene of her strong suspicion that Cadsuane is BA. Unless Verin left a note about sisters she was sure were not BA to Egwene, it's hard to understand why Egwene is leaving Rand's AS entourage completely alone. If some are BA, especially Cadsuane (in Egwene's eyes - we know she isn't), they're some of the most dangerous BA, so close to Rand. If Egwene had played it right, she wouldn't have left much choice to Cadsuane to answer her summons. Not coming amounted to refusing to come prove you were not BA.

Rand knows that Cadsuane is not a BA, since darkfriends apparently cannot be in his presence anymore without clear physical signs (Weiramon and the other guy who plucked out his eyes). So if Egwene sent an order and Cadsuane just ignored her, what could Egwene have done? I doubt Rand would have allowed the WT to kidnap his advisor, and Cadsuane thinks she is near the end of her life so I doubt she worries too much what would happen after the last battle when Rand's influence is gone.

Now how much of this Egwene knows is up for debate. Siuan would likely have told Egwene everything she knows, and Verin atleast came to believe that Cadsuane was not a BA, and would likely have written so in his books. Egwene could also have learned about Rand's anti-DF powers since the whole scene with Weiramon was very public.

That makes more sense. That, and not giving Rand the impression that she's plotting against him. Rand seemed to expect Egwene to recall the sisters with him, though. He sure said so about Nynaeve.

Nynaeve would find disobeying far more difficult though. Egwene raised her, and as such many don't consider her a real Aes Sedai at all (until the test). If Egwene decided to throw the book at Nynaeve, she would be screwed. Cadsuane however is a full AS, very old, and has a huge legend to rely upon. She would be far more able to just ignore Egwene and get away with it. Especially if Rand supported her.

Of course, perhaps Egwene has sent an envoy to Cadsuane and we just don't know about it yet...


I guess, given that so far no sister has spoken in favour of Rand's plan for the seals and all seem to believe making Shai'tan more powerful is a huge mistake,

One thing worth mentioning is that we have Cadsuanes POV at the end of the book, where she does not show any real concern at Rand's plan to break the seals. The onlything she worries is about whether they are ready. Which is actually quite odd since Rand is apparently NOT ready. One would expect Cadsuane of all people to have asked Rand to explain his full plans after he breaks the seals, and protest once she learns he does not fully know.

Instead she is quite content with the idea, even though she is aware that Rand does not yet know what to do with Callandor.

The worst is that there's barely any chance Verin has not spotted Elza and Fera, whom she both compelled, as BA, and these two are known by the Tower to be with Rand. Perhaps Verin left them out on purpose, preferring to leave that information to Rand alone.

Maybe, though its a moot point by now. I doubt any DF could be around Rand now for extended periods of time without being discovered, and if Egwene has learned of the Weiramon incident then she should know this too. This would eliminate any belief that Rand is being manipulated by darkfriends. Then again, Egwene might not be willing to accept that Rand really has become the Creators avatar (or whatever). It may be ironic that Egwene was first chosen to be Amyrlin partially due to her connection to Rand, and now this may actually be a weakness in her since Rand has changed so massively from the boy she grew up with thanks to LTT's memories and the whole avatar/champion of light status that he has achieved.

I think there's too much capitalized Him and His following mention of the Lord of the Evening in the prophecy for this to be referring to anything but Shai'tan. Shaidar Haran is barely a separate entity, and if that refers to him then it's pretty much the same as Shai'tan, but the coming of the Great Lord's Hand has already happened. The mention that "only Him we will praise" clinches it for me. There's no way this can't be referring to the Great Lord himself.

You might be right that the DO will be the one to take the lips and such. The capitalization might indeed point to that. I still that LotE might be separate though.

It's quite possible Shai'tan's powers over Moridin increases, and the prophecy actually implies the power of Shai'tan over all his servants will be astounding, but doesn't justify Moridin and Shai'tan being fused in the prophecy. Also, if the Lord of the Evening is Moridin invested by Shai'tan, then the Lod of the Evening is Shai'tan... Moridin is merely a vessel/conduit. :)

This is where I disagree. Remember what you said about Rand earlier:

"New Rand" is walking the earth as the flesh and blood proof that the Creator has not abandoned Creation. Rand himself is his divine intervention into the upcoming battle. Whether this makes Rand some sort of avatar, whether some of the Creator's will is impressed in him in a fashion similar to what Shai'tan has done with Shaidar Haran is debatable.

Basically, you admit that Rand has become something more than man, and shows that the Creator still cares. You even point out the possibility of Rand being somekind of avatar.

Rand clearly has some newfound connection to the Creator/Light, but also just as clearly he is still Rand. The Creator has not possessed him completely. If Rand is Lord of the Morning and is still himself despite being empowered by Creator, then why could Moridin not still be himself as Lord of the Evening, despite being empowered by Shai'tan.

Ishamael has basically been claming this from the very beginning:

"Ten years! You pitiful fool! This war has not lasted ten years, but since the beginning of time. You and I have fought a thousand battles with the turning of the Wheel, a thousand times a thousand, and we will fight until time dies and the Shadow is triumphant!"

Sammael was neither philosopher nor theologian, yet Ishamael had been both, and he claimed to have divined secrets hidden in that fact. Ishamael had died mad, true, but even when he was still sane, back when it seemed they surely would drive Lews Therin Telamon to defeat, he claimed this struggle had gone on since the Creation, an endless war between the Great Lord and the Creator using human surrogates.

So the idea is that Rand has been imbued with newfound abilities by the Creator and has truly become his Champion. Rand is Lord of the Morning.

And Moridin will perhaps be imbued with similar but opposite abilities by Shai'tan and will in the process become the Dark Ones champion and Lord of the Evening. This will give a more human face for Rand to defeat.

It might end up being Shaidar Haran instead, but I think Moridin fits better. He and LTT/Rand have a lot more history than SH does. Not to mention that Rand and Moridin are merging somehow, so it would make even more sense for Moridin to be the opposite of LotM.

Well, he did in a way. Before, he claimed the title as his own, but these were the honorific of Lews Therin and no titles for the Dragon Reborn. it's only on DM Rand "owned" LTT for real. (Incidentally, Lord of the Morning/Prince of Dawn appears to me to be the meaning of Thelamon, simply enough. A more literal translation could be Rising Sun).

But back then it was presumably just a title. Perhaps something in some prophecy (which would fit with the whole Lord of the Evening dark prophecy). However I don't think LTT actually caused the sun to appear around himself like Rand does, so one might say that Rand deserves the title more now. Ofcourse Rand is LTT too now and LTT is Rand, but one might equally say that what was only a title for LTT at AoL, has now become truth for him. Just as Moridin could be LotE, but it will not become truth until he fully becomes Rand's opposite and DO's champion.
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Prophecies of the Shadow - 26/11/2010 11:34:09 PM 2571 Views
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Re: Halls of Mourning sounds like Finnland to me - 27/11/2010 10:41:23 AM 1876 Views
Re: Prophecies of the Shadow - 27/11/2010 06:11:41 AM 1570 Views
Re: Prophecies of the Shadow - 27/11/2010 10:37:36 AM 1425 Views
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Re: My take on the Pride - 28/11/2010 10:00:42 PM 1211 Views
Correct - 28/11/2010 10:00:46 AM 919 Views
Re: Prophecies of the Shadow - 27/11/2010 02:23:38 PM 923 Views
Slayer is related to Rand - 27/11/2010 11:17:19 PM 867 Views
Re: Prophecies of the Shadow - 28/11/2010 01:07:27 AM 1124 Views
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How about Fain as Lord of the evening? - 04/01/2011 02:39:32 AM 1161 Views
Whatever Fain is, it isn't a lord. - 14/01/2011 09:02:13 AM 943 Views
agreed *NM* - 14/01/2011 12:16:14 PM 406 Views

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