Re: Hang on, the Seanchan MUST be repelled from Randland. They are invaders.
caltman Send a noteboard - 28/11/2010 02:24:03 PM
I would agree that Rand bowing to Tuon would be a factor in why the Seanchan do not abide by the Dragon's Peace, however, it seems from the visions through Padra's and Oncala's eyes that the Aiel were in fact the major causes of the world-wide war. In Padra's vision, it seems as though the Aiel are killing Seanchan who merely step foot in Arad Domon, claiming that's provocation enough for battle (and not all the Aiel agree with this, but since Padra is Rand's daughter, folks tend to go along with whatever she and her siblings say).
In Oncala's vision, we learn that the Seanchan were not interested in going to battle with Andor (or acquiring Andor's war machines). It would seem that a world war broke out because Andor was tricked by with biased Aiel intelligence into going to war with Seanchan preemptively, resulting in Cairhien, Illian, the Two Rivers, etc. coming to their aid and entering the fray.
It's far bigger than Rand bowing to Tuon. It's the Aiel's whole mindset and struggle with the Seanchan that led to their destruction and the subjugation of the rest of the continent.
In Oncala's vision, we learn that the Seanchan were not interested in going to battle with Andor (or acquiring Andor's war machines). It would seem that a world war broke out because Andor was tricked by with biased Aiel intelligence into going to war with Seanchan preemptively, resulting in Cairhien, Illian, the Two Rivers, etc. coming to their aid and entering the fray.
It's far bigger than Rand bowing to Tuon. It's the Aiel's whole mindset and struggle with the Seanchan that led to their destruction and the subjugation of the rest of the continent.
Accepting the Seanchan as rulers of half of Randland would be an unacceptable condition of this "Dragon's Peace". It is correct that the Aiel - and the king of Arad Doman, and Rodel Ituralde, and every other ruler and citizen of Randland drive the invaders back into the ocean.
They have their continent. They have no claim on any part of Randland. Or should the Aiel just accept that captured Wise Ones remain bound as damane by the slavers?
I think that Rand's Peace is going to have to include the freeing of all damane and slaves by the Seanchan as a pre-req for his bowing to Tuon. I think that Aviendah's going to play a role in getting the Aiel and Tinkers and Ogier together to finally figure out what the hell the "song" has been about since EoTW.
Also, RJ made a point, from the beginning of describing most (if not all) of the Seanchan controlled states in Randland as having been disjointed and only loosely controlled by any central authority. Mostly just city states like Ebou Dar and a few others. The Whitecloaks and Merchants guilds as well as other powerful factions have been keeping the political strength of central government at bay in those territories. The Seanchan have largely just scooped them up. It's hard to say they were really countries before.
Only Rodel Ituralde has really put up a fight about it. And, let's face it: He's never coming home from the Blight. Someone has to die in this series, sometime.
Aviendha's visions
28/11/2010 03:33:01 AM
It seems clear to me that Rand bowing to the Seanchan Empress is the cause of all the problems...
28/11/2010 09:06:50 AM
Not the sole cause
28/11/2010 02:03:44 PM
Hang on, the Seanchan MUST be repelled from Randland. They are invaders.
28/11/2010 02:13:11 PM
Re: Hang on, the Seanchan MUST be repelled from Randland. They are invaders.
28/11/2010 02:22:05 PM
Re: Hang on, the Seanchan MUST be repelled from Randland. They are invaders.
28/11/2010 02:24:03 PM
They aren't invaders. It's explicity explained that they are coming home.
28/11/2010 02:35:20 PM
Re: They aren't invaders. It's explicity explained that they are coming home.
28/11/2010 03:13:49 PM
"Anybody who has a different world view than mine must be destroyed"
14/12/2010 09:56:37 PM
Re: Aviendha's visions
28/11/2010 01:38:10 PM
Aviendha's visions were the most disturbing scene I have ever read in the entire Wot series...
28/11/2010 02:16:36 PM
I was out-disturbed by the mass suicide of the Amayar, but this was disturbing in a different way
28/11/2010 02:38:38 PM
Re: Aviendha's visions were the most disturbing scene I have ever read in the entire Wot series...
28/11/2010 02:40:36 PM
Re: Aviendha's visions
29/11/2010 01:20:46 AM
If only. But it sounds like they're being captured and used to secure power for the Empress.
29/11/2010 02:08:11 AM