As Elayne pointed out (in CoT I think)...
Skeeve the Great Send a noteboard - 26/11/2010 09:45:27 PM
Traveling grounds have always bothered me: people make gateways to traveling grounds so that they do not cut by accident random people. Mh. What about the people that actually are in a traveling ground? Such as, you know, other channelers that are using them.
If you focus every gateway directed into a place in the same area, when you are in that area, there will be very high chances of someone else going there and cutting you!
Now, did I miss something?
If you focus every gateway directed into a place in the same area, when you are in that area, there will be very high chances of someone else going there and cutting you!
Now, did I miss something?
There was a very high traffic in Caemlyn when Elayne defended it. And when she returned from visting Borderland rulers, she mentioned that if the other gateway is already in place on the travelling ground, the new incoming gateway is created a little bit off so not to interfere with the first one.
Traveling grounds: am I missing something?
26/11/2010 07:16:58 PM
As Elayne pointed out (in CoT I think)...
26/11/2010 09:45:27 PM
maybe that is why it is Traveling grounds and not Traveling ground
27/11/2010 09:31:14 AM