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Egwene is quoting ancient (and modern) Brown scholars... - Edit 1

Before modification by fionwe1987 at 19/11/2010 05:43:39 AM

"So long as we do not depend on the facts entirely, incomplete knowledge is better than complete ignorance."
Saerin snorted softly, but obviously recognized the quote from Yasicca Cellaech, an ancient Brown scholar.

I was reading through some chapters at random, and this sudden;y jumped out at me. As of KoD, Egwene claimed that the only kind of history she knew was about Amyrlins and their wisdom from Siuan. We see this at play in tGS as well, especially in her debate with Elaida.

Suddenly, Egwene is quoting a non-Amyrlin Brown, that too one from a very long time ago (assuming ancient isn't after Artur Hawkwing's reign). Where did she come across this?

I think Egwene has been researching about the Seals and the Dark One. It would be totally unlike her to go to the meeting with Rand without having any idea how to rebut him. While her Dream is a powerful point, I doubt she will rely just on that. It is quite possible that Siuan has been researching this as well, and since Egwene doesn't know the Old Tongue and Siuan is an expert, this could be how Siuan has been spending her time. One little clue is that Siuan herself says early on that she doesn't care about politics anymore and wants to get back to guiding Rand. What job can be more important than finding ways to defeat the Dark One?

I'm certain that the reason none of this was even hinted at was to keep up the tension of the supposed Egwene-Rand conflict. We have her give no thought to what she would say in the meeting at all, simply so that the cliffhanger at the end of the book would work. But I think it stands to reason that she would get some research done before arguing her case before Rand, who she knows remembers his life as LTT.

Now, another thing that struck me was this:

There is a third constant besides the Creator and the Dark One, Verin's meticulous voice said, a memory from another time. There is a world that lies within each of these others, inside all of them at the same time. Or perhaps surrounding them. Writers in the Age of Legends called it Tel'aran'rhiod.

Strikingly, this thought strikes Egwene right as she is looking at the Dragon's Fang and Amyrlin's Flame fused together in TAR. And that design, flame and fang combined, is not only the ancient Aes Sedai symbol but also the shape of the Seals!

I think this is a significant foreshadowing that Tel'aran'rhiod will play a big role in resealing the Dark One. I think Perrin and Egwene will be involved in this side of things, and Rand as well (I think it is no coincidence at all that his dreams are now attacked by Lanfear. I think Rand's own Tel'aran'rhiod abilities will soon hit the screen). I don't think that it is a coincidence at all that Egwene the Dreamer was around when Perrin had his first contact with wolves, who helped him excel at the World of Dreams. Those two are certainly destined to cooperate there, and I think helping in resealing the Dark One is what they'll be working towards.

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