Active Users:525 Time:05/10/2024 08:03:16 AM
Re: If you remember, RJ said there was a way to stop people from making a gateway in your territory - Edit 1

Before modification by Timthetrolloc at 17/11/2010 08:55:43 AM

They're being used by the Shadow, not the Light. The one loaned to Graendal got destroyed in TOM. The other one is used by the Shadow at the BT.It's fairly unlikely the Light gets its hands on another one, at least for a while. If Elayne is given the BT's eventually, and manages to reproduce it, it would probably serve as protective devices against the Seanchan.

As for being a mistake for the Light to use it for lack of knowledge (but it's more a question that they don't even know this device for now, let alone have any for Elayne to try to copy), that'd have been true enough before Rand's epiphany, but not anymore. I'm starting to suspect there's a lot about the AOL and its gizmos Rand will never agree to share. There were a few hints here and there LTT might not agree with the Forsaken the AOL was better in everything, and - having some distance from the organization now, might even have become critical of Aes Sedai. Anyway... my general feeling is that Rand may not be too enthusiastic about discussing WOS weaponry the Light doesn't have the resources to build now, but could find post-TG I think arming the world for a OP world war as soon as the Shadow is dealt with isn't exacty part of Rand's plans. I get the feeling LTT would be the type to approve very much of the second and third oaths (their spirit, if not necessarily their loopholes or the fact the AS feel the need to use a Binder), and could even advise the Asha'man to adopt, especially if there's an opportunity open to get the Seanchan to agree to the same thing.

I am sure there have been no male binders introduced in the series. The female oath rod might not even work on men who can channel.

I can't see the bulk of the men going for using the oath rod. It would probably be as you suggested that the seanchan would have to demand it for them to declare peace on channelers. The men might have no way to take these oaths though. This could lead to complications in the white tower where they have all these men who can't be bound unless they make a binder for men. With all that is bound to happen in the LB, I doubt we will see a resolution to this plot.

I still see any peace between Seanchan and the Light Empire being only temporary because the light are bound to the Aiel for protection. Unfortunately, I believe there is no way around the war that destroys the Aiel. Rand already made the mistake with them. If he was going to change the Aiel he should have done it by now. The Aiel are set in there beliefs. I can't see them turning to the Way of the Leaf anytime soon, no matter what Aviendha has to say on the future. Most of them have all but declared war on the Seanchan Empire including Wise Ones. They have the year and a day then they will attack. And after inevitable losses in the LB the Aiel will be doomed.

I guess what I am trying to get at here is something drastic would have to occur because the Seanchan Empire and the Light Empire are so different. That they will inevitably clash unless many different thing are dealt with. Changes and Comprimises must be done for there to be any lasting relationship between the two entities. That or something very drastic like dragging each and every Suldam in front of Tuon who can now channel and making her put the A'dam on each one personally. I think nothing less than this will change Tuon's mind about the OP. I guess maybe they could collar her themselves and show her that she is not evil even though she can channel. I'm not sure they could make her channel just by collaring her, she might be able to refuse even being trained to channel. The Sul'dam are the key to binding Tuon and changing her attitude about channeling in general. Mat even told a few to find a way to make the news that they can channel not do great harm to the empire. I believe they are headed to Tar Valon, I wonder if they arrived yet towards the end of TOM?

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