Active Users:1087 Time:11/03/2025 07:27:25 PM
That wouldn't work if questioned immediately after swearing, though beetnemesis Send a noteboard - 17/11/2010 05:42:24 AM
For previous reswearings, they all went "I swear to speak no word that is not true. I am not a Darkfriend."

Not enough time to get a second oath rod, if that's how they did it.
I amuse myself.
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Not sure how I missed this, but I need help (Spoilers) - 15/11/2010 08:10:36 PM 1336 Views
Re: Not sure how I missed this, but I need help (Spoilers) - 15/11/2010 08:13:46 PM 802 Views
It didn't.. really. - 15/11/2010 08:19:15 PM 850 Views
Dont have the page in front of me - 15/11/2010 08:20:03 PM 767 Views
Re: Not sure how I missed this, but I need help (Spoilers) - 15/11/2010 11:20:06 PM 742 Views
What were the 3 ways, again? - 16/11/2010 01:45:28 AM 653 Views
2nd oath rod is my guess - 16/11/2010 05:45:54 PM 573 Views
That wouldn't work if questioned immediately after swearing, though - 17/11/2010 05:42:24 AM 634 Views

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