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Re: If you remember, RJ said there was a way to stop people from making a gateway in your territory DomA Send a noteboard - 17/11/2010 04:42:02 AM
I don't know if this has been made clear or not because I haven't read the book

It's clear enough from the book. It's a powerful AOL device, almost certainly from the WoS era. Moridin has two of them in his vast OP objects vault at his fortress. When you activate them, they vanish to TAR by themselves.

And I'd say that clearly, this is it. It would make sense that the Dreamspike is the new Randland term for the old protection used in the AoL.

It's not, it's the original name. Moridin and Graendal called it a Dreamspike when he loaned her one. Egwene, Perrin and co. have no come up with any name for the unknown device, and actually, the only third Age character who saw it and touched it is Perrin, and he destroyed it. Only his channellers so far know a ter'angreal caused their problems.

Egwene got caught in an area were a dreamspike was used, but never even got close or learned what prevented her from jumping to places outside the area.

Graendal was amazed that Moridin managed to find two of them, so it suggests they were pretty rare (and as their advantages are very obvious, it could mean they're fairly high tech even by AOL standards, not your basic ter'angreal).

RJ also said that there ways to get around the blocks, and ways to block the blocks. It was in one of the RJ Questions of the Week...

It's obvious indeed the dreamspike is one such device, and no doubt it's not perfect and there are a few ways around it (though RJ never said getting around them was easy, however). It's probably not the only way which interferes with Travelling.

I think it would be a great mistake for the Lightside to adopt the Dreamspikes, because there will be that basic lack of knowledge of the other sides' tools.

They're being used by the Shadow, not the Light. The one loaned to Graendal got destroyed in TOM. The other one is used by the Shadow at the BT.It's fairly unlikely the Light gets its hands on another one, at least for a while. If Elayne is given the BT's eventually, and manages to reproduce it, it would probably serve as protective devices against the Seanchan.

As for being a mistake for the Light to use it for lack of knowledge (but it's more a question that they don't even know this device for now, let alone have any for Elayne to try to copy), that'd have been true enough before Rand's epiphany, but not anymore. I'm starting to suspect there's a lot about the AOL and its gizmos Rand will never agree to share. There were a few hints here and there LTT might not agree with the Forsaken the AOL was better in everything, and - having some distance from the organization now, might even have become critical of Aes Sedai. Anyway... my general feeling is that Rand may not be too enthusiastic about discussing WOS weaponry the Light doesn't have the resources to build now, but could find post-TG I think arming the world for a OP world war as soon as the Shadow is dealt with isn't exacty part of Rand's plans. I get the feeling LTT would be the type to approve very much of the second and third oaths (their spirit, if not necessarily their loopholes or the fact the AS feel the need to use a Binder), and could even advise the Asha'man to adopt, especially if there's an opportunity open to get the Seanchan to agree to the same thing.
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Gateways and Dreamspike Explanation - 16/11/2010 04:00:24 PM 2520 Views
Androl couldn't make Gateways either. - 16/11/2010 04:23:00 PM 829 Views
Not right now, at least - 16/11/2010 04:36:59 PM 744 Views
I generally agree - 16/11/2010 06:37:00 PM 829 Views
Re: Not right now, at least - 17/11/2010 10:47:39 AM 620 Views
Re: Gateways and Dreamspike Explanation - 16/11/2010 06:26:47 PM 1145 Views
Re: Alternatives to gateways - 16/11/2010 08:22:14 PM 596 Views
Re: Alternatives to gateways - 16/11/2010 09:17:45 PM 784 Views
Re: Gateways and Dreamspike Explanation - 16/11/2010 09:02:48 PM 653 Views
If you remember, RJ said there was a way to stop people from making a gateway in your territory - 17/11/2010 12:22:01 AM 747 Views
Re: If you remember, RJ said there was a way to stop people from making a gateway in your territory - 17/11/2010 04:42:02 AM 1022 Views
Convincing Fortuona its not evil to channel will be difficult. - 17/11/2010 08:41:56 AM 791 Views

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