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Re: Egwene Apologists: "Leave Egwene Alone! Waaaaah!" fairfax Send a noteboard - 15/11/2010 11:46:46 PM

It’s also accepted that the seals are crumbling anyway, and that the DO release is inevitable. In fact for them to reseal the bore it requires destroying the old seals. When Egwene flat out tells Elayne and Nyneave about Rand’s supposed intentions, their reaction is pretty much….”meh.” The seals are already crumbling, the last battle is coming, the Dark One and the Dragon Reborn are going to have to duke it out sometime, no?

Looking at it from Eqwene viewpoint. Nowhere in Rand and Eqwene's conversation does Rand mention what Rand is going to do to replace the seals. Egwene sees a friend who has been acting really insane come to her seat of power and say he will be essentially letting the DO loose by breaking the seals. Egwene doesn't have our whole series knowledge. Egwene doesn't have the advantage of knowing there will be the usual fantasy literature hero/heroine or really old mentor to hero/heroine comes up with super-smart mega-cool out of the box solution in the second to last chapter. The last chapter left for the happily ever after ending.

Rand has always been unstable, if it was PsychoRand that showed up at the White Tower, he would have balefired Egwene and the entire Hall on general principle, then proceed to sit down on top of the rubble and fondle the Choedan Kal. However, it was ZenRand that showed up and he was overall, nice and polite, respecting Egwene’s authority but also being firm. Quite frankly, that’s as stable as he’s ever going to be.

How is Egwene suppose to know the new ZenRand? The reports she gets is Rand is insane/going insane, and Rand shows up and says something insane like I am going to break the seals.

Actually, Rand says that they’ll discuss it at the meeting. There is growing acceptance that Rand was intentionally vague knowing what Egwene’s reaction would be and is using her. Likely he wants Egwene to unite the various Kings, Queens, and the Aes Sedai so they can all meet at the Council of Elrond.

Either ZenRand will show up at the meeting and explain why destroying the seals is necessary, or he’ll just say “Psych! I was just fucking with ya. But since ya’ll here let’s talk about that dragon’s peace…” Or maybe they’ll be a combination of the two.

What should Egwene response be? Oh boy Rand that sure is a good idea. Let's break the seals and when someone asks why we will say we might have an answer in 30 days. The point is Egwene doesn't think it is a good idea to break the seals without a plan to replace them. Egwene's response is to get the worlds leaders together to persuade Rand not to break the seals without a plan to reseal the bore. Egwene response is perfectly rational and reasonable. Egwene Haters equate this Egwenes actions to backstabbing Rand, a power trip, or the plan has no rational basis.

Egwene Apologists seem to constantly miss the point. No one has a problem she’s trying to dissuade Rand from breaking the seals – but she does have an alternative plan, right? She’s not just making a knee jerk reaction out of pure fear - She does have an alternative plan of action and contingencies for when the Dark One break free, right? …… Oh wait

Since Rand wants to break the seals shouldn't he be the one with the plan. Oh wait he is not sure what the alternative is yet. Egwene has been Amyrlin of a unified Tower for what 2 weeks (I get my time frames all mixed up) and she doesn't have a solution yet. Lets hate her. Oh, and where is that yardarm to hang her by the ankles?

Enough of this Bullshit, Egwene’s rule is as secure as it’s ever going to be. Her political opponents consists of women who cannot outmaneuver themselves out of a paper bag, and who are constantly outsmarted by a teenage girl that has spent most of her life growing up in a damn farm. Look at Rand, the guy herded sheep for most of his life. And throughout this series, he’s hardly been in a stable political situation himself. Yet I do not ever recall a moment (even when he was PsychoRand) where he forces his friends, or even his mere friendly acquaintances, to address him by title, whether in public or private.

This story takes place in what would equivalent of the 15th-16th century. In that time frame calling Egwene mother in public would be important. Not calling Egwene mother in public would be seen as disrespectful, challenging Egwene, and lower her stature vis-a-vis the Hall. In The Great Hunt Moraine was carelful to show Siuan all of the respect a Amyrlin deserved in public but in private they acted like friends. Try going to the White House and calling the President, Barak. In every public appearance he is referred to as Mr President or President Obama.

For Hawkeye graduates 15th-16th century would be the 1400's and 1500's.

Actually this isn’t an issue. Gawyn is the tooliest tool in a whole toolbox full of tools. They deserve each other.

Yep, teenagers in love can elicit really poor behavior
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Egwene Haters Don't Read - 14/11/2010 11:24:15 PM 2146 Views
Re: Egwene Haters Don't Read - 15/11/2010 12:09:37 AM 1257 Views
Re: Egwene Haters Don't Read - 15/11/2010 12:34:36 AM 969 Views
answer - 15/11/2010 06:21:45 AM 909 Views
Re: Egwene Haters Don't Read - 12/12/2010 10:49:32 PM 762 Views
But lets go on Egwenes track record of her learning and bettering herself. - 15/11/2010 03:32:10 PM 1053 Views
This - 14/12/2010 12:15:34 AM 598 Views
You forgot - 15/11/2010 01:26:53 AM 941 Views
Egwene Apologists: "Leave Egwene Alone! Waaaaah!" - 15/11/2010 11:22:46 AM 1553 Views
I just want to point out that the "Mother" thing was inconsistent - 15/11/2010 11:42:36 AM 1052 Views
Re: Egwene Apologists: "Leave Egwene Alone! Waaaaah!" - 15/11/2010 11:46:46 PM 931 Views
Re: Egwene Apologists: "Leave Egwene Alone! Waaaaah!" - 16/11/2010 12:51:52 AM 1127 Views
Re: Egwene Apologists: "Leave Egwene Alone! Waaaaah!" - 17/11/2010 01:44:39 AM 1003 Views
Re: Egwene Apologists: "Leave Egwene Alone! Waaaaah!" - 17/11/2010 10:39:20 AM 976 Views
Re: Egwene Apologists: "Leave Egwene Alone! Waaaaah!" - 17/11/2010 01:27:08 PM 677 Views
Re: Egwene Apologists: "Leave Egwene Alone! Waaaaah!" - 27/11/2010 12:49:53 AM 731 Views
Re: Egwene Haters Don't Read *NM* - 15/11/2010 02:45:11 PM 560 Views
Egwene is just awesome - 17/11/2010 02:44:44 PM 815 Views
Uh huh! I loves me some Egwene! *NM* - 13/12/2010 03:50:03 AM 606 Views

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