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Egwene Haters Don't Read fairfax Send a noteboard - 14/11/2010 11:24:15 PM
The Egwene haters are at it again. In a book that Egwene isn't hateful the Egwene haters come out in full force. From the posts I've seen on RAFO, Dragonmount, and Theoryland the hate seems to revolve around 3 issues.

First Issue, Egwene gets the worlds leaders together to talk Rand out of breaking the seals. Let's look at the facts.

1. The bore has been sealed for 3000 years by the seals. It is accepted that breaking the seals will allow the DO to escape its prison and utterly destroy the world.

2. Rand has been getting increasingly unstable. In the TGS Rand was very unstable. Egwene and the rest of the Tower believe Rand is still nuts. Egwene and the Tower do not know about the Super Sayan Easter Bunny Rand.

3. Rand just shows up at the Tower and announces he is going to break the seals. He doesn't say he is going to break the seals and replace them with new and improved seals. Nope he says I am going to break the seals and I hope I can figure out how to make better seals.

What does all powerful evil hatelful Egwene do? Rand was already shielded by 2 full circles of sisters, Egwene has at least 400 sisters in the Tower to assist her, Rand in is the middle of Eqwene seat of power, and what does Egwene do? She lets Rand leave unmolested. Her dastardly plan is to gather the worlds leaders and their armies to persuade Rand.

Chapter 3 Amyrlin's Anger pg 86. Egwene POV
" We need allies," Eqwene said. She took a deep breath. ""He might be persuaded by people he trusts"

Chapte5 27 A Call To Stand pg 427 Egwene writing to Darlin about the need for Darlin to bring his full army
"The Dragon Reborn must see our full forces marshaled to oppose his brash intentions. If he sees this as halfhearted, we will never dissuade him from is course".

For those of you who went to the University of Iowa dissuade means: to deter by advice or persuasion.

So the big awful thing Eqwene is going to is try to persuade Rand not to break the seals. Yep lets find a yardarm, string he up by her ankles and flog her.

Second Issue - The treatment of Nyneave.

Egwene is new to her power of Amyrlin and sits on a shaky thrown. Egwene needs to have people she trusts to help her, and she needs to be seen as the Amyrlin. Having Nyneave ignore her and Nyneave not treat Eqwene as Amyrlin is not helpful. It is not helpful to Eqwene, not helpful to the Tower, and not helpful to Randland since the Tower must be unified for the battles to come. Egwene handles the problem very well. Egwene's plan is to get Nyneave to take the test to be Aes Sedai, swear the three oaths, and Nyneave at least publicly to treat Egwene like the Amyrlin.

The conversation Egwene and Nyneave had in Tel,aran'rhiod was very well done. Egwene brought Nyneave along so Nyneave "self realised" the need to treat Egwene as Amylin. Egwene specifically says in private Nyneave doesn't have to bow, kiss Egwene's ring, and call Egwene mother. That is unless I missed the part where Egwene summons Nyneave to the Tower and sends Nyneave to the Mistress of Novices to get spanked unless Nyneave bows and scrapes.

Third Issue - Egwene doesn't treat Gawyn nicely.

Give me a break. Egwene and Gawyn are what? 18/19 years old and both in their first love relationship. Really we have two teenagers trying to balance their work and love lives and they screw it up. What a surprise? That is a reason to hate someone.
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Egwene Haters Don't Read - 14/11/2010 11:24:15 PM 2146 Views
Re: Egwene Haters Don't Read - 15/11/2010 12:09:37 AM 1257 Views
Re: Egwene Haters Don't Read - 15/11/2010 12:34:36 AM 969 Views
answer - 15/11/2010 06:21:45 AM 909 Views
Re: Egwene Haters Don't Read - 12/12/2010 10:49:32 PM 762 Views
But lets go on Egwenes track record of her learning and bettering herself. - 15/11/2010 03:32:10 PM 1053 Views
This - 14/12/2010 12:15:34 AM 598 Views
You forgot - 15/11/2010 01:26:53 AM 941 Views
Egwene Apologists: "Leave Egwene Alone! Waaaaah!" - 15/11/2010 11:22:46 AM 1553 Views
I just want to point out that the "Mother" thing was inconsistent - 15/11/2010 11:42:36 AM 1052 Views
Re: Egwene Apologists: "Leave Egwene Alone! Waaaaah!" - 15/11/2010 11:46:46 PM 930 Views
Re: Egwene Apologists: "Leave Egwene Alone! Waaaaah!" - 16/11/2010 12:51:52 AM 1127 Views
Re: Egwene Apologists: "Leave Egwene Alone! Waaaaah!" - 17/11/2010 01:44:39 AM 1003 Views
Re: Egwene Apologists: "Leave Egwene Alone! Waaaaah!" - 17/11/2010 10:39:20 AM 976 Views
Re: Egwene Apologists: "Leave Egwene Alone! Waaaaah!" - 17/11/2010 01:27:08 PM 677 Views
Re: Egwene Apologists: "Leave Egwene Alone! Waaaaah!" - 27/11/2010 12:49:53 AM 731 Views
Re: Egwene Haters Don't Read *NM* - 15/11/2010 02:45:11 PM 560 Views
Egwene is just awesome - 17/11/2010 02:44:44 PM 815 Views
Uh huh! I loves me some Egwene! *NM* - 13/12/2010 03:50:03 AM 606 Views

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