He didn't say that she would have some great revelation about defeating the DO. Just that her opposition to Rand could possibly force him to reconsider his current plan, look at the situation from another angle and come up with a better solution. He may be missing something. We were not given the opportunity to see into his thought process of how he came to this decision, so it's possible that he is overlooking something.
And I'm sorry, but I side with Egwene on this one. If I found out that Rand was going to break the seals, I'd be freaked too. Rand even stated that he *thinks* it will be still some time before the DO will be totally free, but that's not definite. And what is so wrong about wanting more time?
Egwene isn't opposing Rand as the Dragon Reborn or just for the hell of it. She thinks it's a bad plan. It will probably pan out if the Wheels wills it, but as just a normal individual in the world, I wouldn't be too thrilled about this prospect either. What's so wrong about wanting more time to prepare? The world is still in a state of chaos and only approaching being anything resembling unity at all because of Egwene's gathering (as manipulated by Rand).
Not to mention, Rand still has no idea what he's doing once the seals ARE broken. He could be dooming the world. He really has no idea. So why not come down on the side of caution? Why the mad dash into the LB that the world may not be ready for?
Also - I may be remembering incorrectly, but Egwene isn't gathering armies. She's gathering the world's leaders and they're bringing their armies with them. And just because they're sworn to Rand (Tear, Illian) or consider themselves on his side (Elayne, Egwene) doesn't mean their beholden to agree with everything he says and does.
And I'm sorry, but I side with Egwene on this one. If I found out that Rand was going to break the seals, I'd be freaked too. Rand even stated that he *thinks* it will be still some time before the DO will be totally free, but that's not definite. And what is so wrong about wanting more time?
Egwene isn't opposing Rand as the Dragon Reborn or just for the hell of it. She thinks it's a bad plan. It will probably pan out if the Wheels wills it, but as just a normal individual in the world, I wouldn't be too thrilled about this prospect either. What's so wrong about wanting more time to prepare? The world is still in a state of chaos and only approaching being anything resembling unity at all because of Egwene's gathering (as manipulated by Rand).
Not to mention, Rand still has no idea what he's doing once the seals ARE broken. He could be dooming the world. He really has no idea. So why not come down on the side of caution? Why the mad dash into the LB that the world may not be ready for?
Also - I may be remembering incorrectly, but Egwene isn't gathering armies. She's gathering the world's leaders and they're bringing their armies with them. And just because they're sworn to Rand (Tear, Illian) or consider themselves on his side (Elayne, Egwene) doesn't mean their beholden to agree with everything he says and does.
Then Egwene ought to be marshalling her resoources to come up with a different plan, she was given a month by Rand for this specific reason after all.
In fact, given how the Aes Sedai think and act, the great and mighty White Tower is the bastion of Light, The one thing that holds back the Shadow etc. etc, you'd think they already have a number of plans and theories on how to win against the DO.
The "mad dash" to LB is on because the world wont become stronger or more ready by waiting around.
You are remembering incorrectly. The Illianers and Darlin in particular where okay with going to the meet but wanted to leave their armies because of the Seanchan threat. It was Egwene that demanded they bring their armies too. If only the leaders came Rand would see it as half-assed objection was Egwene's reason.
Egwene's stupid objection to Rand
10/11/2010 03:19:44 PM
Her arguably irrational objections might be a result of Aran'gar's compulsion. *NM*
10/11/2010 03:22:32 PM
Especially that she is gathering armies to convince/force Rand...
10/11/2010 03:33:09 PM
You still believe in Terez's doomed theory?
10/11/2010 03:48:08 PM
Can anyone explain to me why she needs armies for this, anyway?
10/11/2010 06:27:25 PM
Re: Egwene is being played
10/11/2010 06:42:35 PM
So what
10/11/2010 08:45:53 PM
Rand is the Dragon Reborn. That doesn't mean he's the savior of the world.
10/11/2010 08:57:37 PM
Absolutely. I suspected he was doing this the moment he organised another meeting. *NM*
16/11/2010 05:26:52 AM
Re: Can anyone explain to me why she needs armies for this, anyway?
12/11/2010 01:48:58 AM
I would find that unsatisfying and not quite logical
12/11/2010 05:57:09 PM
Re: I would find that unsatisfying and not quite logical
12/11/2010 08:01:58 PM
Her objection is based out of a fear borne of good reasoning
10/11/2010 06:47:30 PM
Of course you'd say that. You just won't get past your prejudice in favor of her, can you?
13/11/2010 03:01:08 AM
because Egwene has an incredibly important purpose
13/11/2010 07:49:58 AM
Re: because Egwene has an incredibly important purpose
13/11/2010 12:01:20 PM
13/11/2010 02:50:22 PM
Re: Re:
13/11/2010 04:16:43 PM
Re: Re:
13/11/2010 07:14:01 PM
"Wait, Rand! You have 2,394 more privates to hear from, and then the corporals...." Yeah. Great plan
14/11/2010 12:17:44 AM
The fact that either is right be accident does not make them less of a bitch.
14/11/2010 12:15:36 AM
It seems that way to us....
12/11/2010 07:14:42 PM
Lews Therin Telamon Reborn.
14/11/2010 12:56:25 AM
About that....
14/11/2010 09:25:02 PM
Exactly: Egwene knows what she knows, including the fact that LTT knows a HELLUVA lot more.
14/11/2010 09:41:14 PM