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No Spoilers, just a review - Edit 1

Before modification by L0gan at 13/11/2010 08:43:58 AM

First, I don't think I get all kinds of wrapped up into things. I enjoy reading the book as a story and not trying to see what every little word implies.
Second, I literally just finished the book so I'm digesting some of my thoughts.
Third, so far Fires of Heaven has been my favorite book of the entire series. Call that book my 10 for 10 of the series.

You've been WARNED!

Using Fires of Heaven as the 10/10 rule, the first 3/4 of this book were on par. The last quarter of book weakens slightly, I expect this since it has to tie into the next book and lay some groundwork.

Score for the book (which is still warm where my hands were holding it) is 9.25 out of 10.

Thoughts on the book. I haven't read anyone else's reviews/thoughts, these thoughts are my own.

It's been a long series, certain plot elements HAD to develop in order to finish the series, we all know this. So parts of the book you see coming a mile away, or at least 1 or 2 books ago. Rather than simply writing them down and moving on, I thought Sanderson did an excellant job writing about the issues at hand. He wrote things in a manner to remind you of the importance of the event and even though you knew it was coming. The arrivals were astounding.
I guess that's my final thought I'll say on this book. The book is segmented so that large portions lead towards an event. Though you see it coming, it's arrival typically breathtaking.

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