I am sure if I ever had a conversation about WoT in the Real World™ my conversational partner would no idea what the heck I was talking about.
Does she say it like two different words smashed together? Like Mesa - ana?
For the record, I pronounce "Mesaana" by just making the "ah" in the middle extra long. Mess- AHHHH -na.
Did anyone else listening to the audiobook feel like they were hearing a momentarily stuck record every time Kate Reading tried to enunciate both "a"s in Mesaana? I have to think leaving the second "a" silent would be a more logical pronunciation.
Does she say it like two different words smashed together? Like Mesa - ana?
For the record, I pronounce "Mesaana" by just making the "ah" in the middle extra long. Mess- AHHHH -na.
Omnipresent Lurker of WoTMB
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Proud and Open Rolan Sympathiser
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Eternal Shiva Enthusiast
This message last edited by entyti on 12/11/2010 at 02:54:42 AM
Pronunciation of Mesaana in the audiobook
11/11/2010 07:51:33 PM
Maybe she was just sleepy
11/11/2010 10:16:03 PM
Well, Messana is always described as having dreamy eyes. Maybe that's how she got that name?
12/11/2010 04:20:47 PM
I pronounce everything wrong.
11/11/2010 10:47:11 PM
That's how it's pronounced in the audio book*NM*
12/11/2010 02:54:16 AM
ya, she gives the second 'a' a different pitch....it like a tune.... *NM*
12/11/2010 04:30:04 AM