Calm down, the hammer was planned all along. You have to remember that RJ intended the Wheel to encompass all of the mythologies of our world, either as vaguely remembered events/figures or by birthing them.
Perin = Thor, Matt = Odin, Rand = Tyr, this is no surprise.
Perin = Thor, Matt = Odin, Rand = Tyr, this is no surprise.
I mean, also it's kind of the crux of his character development, his epiphany symbolized through action. I mean, he's had this 'hammer/axe' complex forever (since book 1), he's had this 'lord/blacksmith' complex forever (since book 4), and all of his handwringing about everything, and in fact his entire characterization up to this point, is perfectly represented in the act of him blacksmithing the very thing that's the most obvious symbol of his lordship, as well as something that can be used to create or destroy. He's got his shit together finally, in time for the last battle. I thought it was perfectly appropriate, and not only that, pretty enjoyable to read.
black towers, egwene's vision / ToM thoughts
10/11/2010 10:38:51 AM
Perrin's hammer
10/11/2010 01:20:24 PM
Re: Perrin's hammer
10/11/2010 04:11:07 PM
Re: Perrin's hammer
11/11/2010 08:10:06 PM