Active Users:413 Time:11/03/2025 11:59:27 PM
Re: RtdB! - Edit 1

Before modification by HyogaRott at 11/11/2010 02:37:58 PM

So what almost happened to Perrin during the chaos of the battle that involved Whitecloaks? Why, Byar attempting to kill him from behind, of course!

In the chaos of the battle, there was nothing Perrin could have done. He was taken totally by surprise. If not for Dain Bornhald (likely the "cursed Whitecloak", Perrin would have died, just as Graendal planned.

That the asset is Byar also fits the fact that he was near Arad Doman early in the series. We always assumed his talk of Perrin killing Geofram was his typical Whitecloak attitude of guilt before proof. But doesn't it seem like the kind of cubtle compulsion Graendal would use, and the way she uses him fits her MO of having multiple plans in motion all the time.

Byar has always been a DF. There are DFs among The Children. Don't knwo if building an actual parrallel to the BA was a concious intention of RJKs that he just never fleshed out, or it just sort of built itself.

Ithink that, though Perrin doesn't realize it yet, he can smell the DO's taint, just as Rand can now see it. Go back the TEotW and read about their first encounter. Throughout the series perrin has been encountering this "burning" smell on some people and places. Every time it has been a DO taint.

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