We've seen a letter from him. He wrote it in a single draft with Tylin in the room
Deadsy Send a noteboard - 11/11/2010 05:13:01 AM
I followed a Darkfriend to the palace Jaichim Carridin is renting. She tried to kill me once, and maybe Rand as well. She was greeted like an old friend of the house.
For a moment he studied that, biting the end of the pen before realizing he was scoring the soft gold. Maybe Tylin would not notice. They needed to know about Carridin. What else? He added a few more reasonably worded lines. The last thing he wanted was to put their backs up.
Be sensible. If you have to go traipsing around, let me send a few men along to keep you from having your heads split open. Anyway, isn’t it about time I took you back to Egwene? There’s nothing here but heat and flies, and we can find plenty of those in Caemlyn.
There. They could not ask for pleasanter than that.
Blotting the page carefully, he folded it four times. Sand in a small golden bowl covered a coal. He puffed on it till it glowed, then used it to light a candle and picked up the stick of red wax. As the sealing wax dripped onto the edges of the paper, it suddenly struck him that he had a signet ring in his pocket. Just something the ringmaker had carved to show his skill, but better than a plain lump. The ring was slightly longer than the pool of solidifying wax, yet most of the sigil took.
For a moment he studied that, biting the end of the pen before realizing he was scoring the soft gold. Maybe Tylin would not notice. They needed to know about Carridin. What else? He added a few more reasonably worded lines. The last thing he wanted was to put their backs up.
Be sensible. If you have to go traipsing around, let me send a few men along to keep you from having your heads split open. Anyway, isn’t it about time I took you back to Egwene? There’s nothing here but heat and flies, and we can find plenty of those in Caemlyn.
There. They could not ask for pleasanter than that.
Blotting the page carefully, he folded it four times. Sand in a small golden bowl covered a coal. He puffed on it till it glowed, then used it to light a candle and picked up the stick of red wax. As the sealing wax dripped onto the edges of the paper, it suddenly struck him that he had a signet ring in his pocket. Just something the ringmaker had carved to show his skill, but better than a plain lump. The ring was slightly longer than the pool of solidifying wax, yet most of the sigil took.
Mat was a lot better in ToM than TGS, but he still reminds me of a dumber version of Malcolm Reynolds.
Favorite Quote(s)? *possible spoilers*
10/11/2010 08:37:40 PM
I found that part stupid. Mat's crossing out words because he changed his mind was okay, but ...
10/11/2010 10:01:10 PM
I don't think it was meant to show him as an idiot.
10/11/2010 10:10:02 PM
he spelled fine before *NM*
10/11/2010 11:45:40 PM
what did we ever see him write?
11/11/2010 02:57:27 AM
We've seen a letter from him. He wrote it in a single draft with Tylin in the room
11/11/2010 05:13:01 AM
Quite frankly I don't find it unrealistic at all.
10/11/2010 10:37:31 PM
10/11/2010 11:13:31 PM
Re: I found that part stupid. Mat's crossing out words because he changed his mind was okay, but ...
11/11/2010 12:55:39 AM
"I don't know if you can die. I hope to the Light that you can't."
10/11/2010 11:08:35 PM
11/11/2010 01:33:26 AM
Almost perfect. Now if only he says the same to Egwene at the big meeting
11/11/2010 02:49:50 AM