I think it's safe to say that it was the most likely future as things were at the time she entered. Now that she's passed through, two things have changed: she's aware of such a future and will act to avoid it, and Rand has had his Dragonmount experience. Such a future is still a possibility, but significantly less so.
A more important question for me is, will the ter'angreal continue to show futures to any other Aiel that pass through or was it a one-time event? Obviously we don't yet know the answer, but I'm hoping it comes up in AMoL if Brandon doesn't answer it first.
A more important question for me is, will the ter'angreal continue to show futures to any other Aiel that pass through or was it a one-time event? Obviously we don't yet know the answer, but I'm hoping it comes up in AMoL if Brandon doesn't answer it first.
Thoughts about Aviendha's test & the relationship implications
03/11/2010 06:26:14 PM
Re: Thoughts about Aviendha's test & the relationship implications
05/11/2010 04:42:35 PM
Is it a true future?
08/11/2010 04:49:58 PM
Re: Is it a true future?
08/11/2010 05:39:17 PM