Active Users:603 Time:19/12/2024 05:47:47 PM
Really? I thought it was the most un-subtle thing in the book. Marshall Send a noteboard - 08/11/2010 04:15:39 AM
Of course "subtlety" isn't really a word that Brandon is very familiar with.
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I like how he revealed Asmodean's killer. Subtle. *NM* - 07/11/2010 11:31:09 PM 1563 Views
Really? I thought it was the most un-subtle thing in the book. - 08/11/2010 04:15:39 AM 960 Views
well, to the casual reader it was pretty subtle. - 08/11/2010 05:24:11 AM 843 Views
Never really explained, was it? *NM* - 08/11/2010 05:17:14 AM 436 Views
Explained, no. Alluded to, yes. - 08/11/2010 11:56:51 PM 773 Views
Re: I like how he revealed Asmodean's killer. Subtle. - 08/11/2010 05:21:41 AM 1008 Views
Re: I like how he revealed Asmodean's killer. Subtle. *SPOILER* - 08/11/2010 05:48:27 AM 818 Views
it was pointed out way earlier than that as well. Chapter 5 I believe. *NM* - 08/11/2010 06:32:14 AM 433 Views
Yup, Moridin broaches on Graendal "making a habit" out of killing Chosen *NM* - 08/11/2010 06:45:22 AM 415 Views
Ah, I missed that one. Thanks! *NM* - 08/11/2010 03:20:34 PM 308 Views
Thus my view that it was pretty damn subtle. *NM* - 08/11/2010 11:52:00 PM 326 Views
You clearly have the smart. Game on. *NM* - 08/11/2010 11:58:04 PM 333 Views
That's what I was getting at - 09/11/2010 12:30:03 AM 637 Views
Has Etzel finished reading Towers of Midnight yet? - 09/11/2010 06:36:02 AM 657 Views

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