Re: Question re: the gholam (spoiler, of course)
MissKoalaVB Send a noteboard - 06/11/2010 01:51:05 PM
I believe you are right that it is a construct. Also, I think it was designed to be different, b/c it was built to be the DO's assassin of channelers. I think the point is that it is an assassin, just like Grey Men and Blood Knives who also function very differently than other resources that the DO and the Seanchan have. I think the Gholam is extra special b/c of its role as an assassin of channelers. And if the gholam wasn't around, things would be a little easier for the light siders. A good plot line makes the heros into underdogs, otherwise any victories they have are not as rewarding to the reader.
I've always thought of the gholam as more of a construct than a darkspawn race.
I had thought that the darkspawn's inability to enter or pass through a gateway an effect of the Pattern itself, and not the Power. How, then, was the gholam able to enter the Skimming portal?
I've always thought of the gholam as more of a construct than a darkspawn race.
Question re: the gholam (spoiler, of course)
05/11/2010 01:57:55 PM
Re: Question re: the gholam (spoiler, of course)
05/11/2010 02:02:09 PM
Maybe they can't "die" at all, so the Pattern couldn't "kill" it. Hmm.... *NM*
05/11/2010 02:59:26 PM
Re: Question re: the gholam (spoiler, of course)
05/11/2010 09:10:30 PM
Re: Question re: the gholam (spoiler, of course)
06/11/2010 01:51:05 PM