Active Users:667 Time:23/02/2025 10:37:41 PM
I wonder if... - Edit 1

Before modification by fionwe1987 at 06/11/2010 05:18:08 AM

... we're even reading the same books. Opinions can differ, of course, but you seem to have ignored a ton of events that answer many of her questions.

What are these new heights she wants to take the WT to? As a shelter, school and safety net for female channelers, or quasi-empire? Chasing quasi-empire dreams before TG is futile, Egwene should know that.

Where is this quasi-empire shit coming from? The WT used to have a quasi empire in the past, when it was in the habit of kidnapping kings when they failed to do its bidding. Egwene has stated straight out that that is a stupid idea.

But, the Tower also doesn't intend to just be a channeling school. And I don't see why they should aim for just that. They have three thousand years of experience in maintaining a stable continent, and while the White Tower of today is a pale shadow of what it can be, that Tower, which is using its full potential, is what Egwene, and Elayne, seem to be aiming for.

If this is for the betterment of female channelers, then kudos to Egwene.

Do you have anything to indicate the contrary?

Btw, tell me, I am sorry I forgot, but hasnt Rand stabilised Cairhein already?

How stable is a country where the Queen to be throned has a poisoned needle placed on her cushion?

Yes, it makes sense for nations to be stable. But, why should they come under the dominion of the WT to become stable? It makes more sense for them to be under leadership of Rand.

No it does not. Rand is one man, the White Tower is an entire organization. Rand may die, he may survive, he may wish to retire from the world. No one knows. Having him responsible for everything makes no sense. But should Egwene or Elayne die, there is still some hope that someone capable will take the Amyrlin Seat and continue working for stability. It is a small hope, for now. Likely some nutjob like Lelaine will become Amyrlin. Preventing that kind of thing, and making the organization as a whole better, is what Egwene seems to be aiming for.

They can act in concert even then. Rand offered Cairhein to Elayne, but I am not sure he had in mind what u r suggesting, that Cairhein go under the WT's dominance. And, WT is not the only organisation thinking about post TG, Rand is too. It is for the best if the WT in its current structure lose some influence rather than gain more, or change its methodology, post TG.

Certainly, it needs to change its methodology. The surprise is, no one seems to have noted the ways Egwene is already changing them. And she has said straight out she means to change them. Which is why Elayne too supports her, and does Nynaeve.

So, Egwene wants Elayne to have Cairhein to strengthen her own position? I feel these Aes Sedai keep indulging in a "my dick is bigger than yours" game most of the time, like silly children.

Well... duh? Isn't that what Egwene said to the Wise Ones?

Coming to the Hall, what sort of stupid things will the Hall try? Is Egwene so paranoid, and anticipating her own downfall, even with no DFs in the Hall? That seems so illogical.

Wait... you just stated that Aes Sedai were silly children who indulge in "my dick is bigger than yours". Now you think Egwene is illogical for anticipating the same thing?

And in case you didn't read it... in ToM, the Hall meets in secret to reduce Egwene's power. If that doesn't seem like a logical reason to wish to stay on top of the noxious political situation in the Tower, then I wonder what is...

I still keep wondering as to why Egwene became Amrylin

Huh? She didn't become Amyrlin. She was forced to be Amyrlin. She just refused to be a puppet, and instead decided to be good at the job she was handed.

and why she continues to be one

I would have thought that was self evident. Why does someone who's promoted continue in their post?

and what she thinks about her future.

A reading of Egwene's chapters from KoD to ToM in one go may prove instructive...

Maybe I missed reading chapters specific to her, or did RJ never talk about this, unlike Rand's future.

RJ has said nothing about Rand's future. Or Egwene's.

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